🌹Fourteenth Chapter🌹

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Dear Bangtan,

If you're reading this,

I'm probably gone.

I know it is hard to accept but it is the truth.


You visited it yet again. The same old pure white medicate situated at the far end of the city. Everyday they reminded you of your deadline.

"Cut to the chase and tell them,(Y/n). Tell them the truth. You cant linger here anymore you know that right? You have already disturbed our world when you went out with the boys, when the fans saw you with them. It is already a mess. We warned you not to mess anything up but you did it. You have a week left. How long will you hide the truth from them?"

"I know but i just cant break their hearts after making it. I've grown fond of them and i just cant do that. Please just give me my dose. I need to leave"

"Whatever you wish."

A tube pierced your back injecting colourless fluid. It hurts but I'll be strong.


"(Y/n)-ah are you okay?" Seokjin asked.

"why do you ask that?"

"you seem pale."

You sent a weak smile "Yes, I'm okay."

Your body gets weaker every second of your life. At times you wish to go back. To drop your plan and to return to the world where you belonged but something held you back.

The boys.

It's them. Why did I grow so fond of them. It's hard because of them. No matter what you did you were not ready to leave yet but the world said otherwise.

I love technology.

You lied on your bed and recalled all your memories with the boys.

With Jungkook.

It didn't help. You just wanted to linger around more.

A hand snaked around your waist. You knew who it was and placed your hand over the hand.

A text appeared on your phone screen. Kookie.


>>What r u thinking about?

Nothing why are u here<<

>>i missed you

*fake gasp* you didn't miss me?

You playfully elbowed the boy behind you. "Yah i did miss you."

You turned around and saw you beautiful boyfriend. What was God thinking when making him. You tried to memorize his eyes. Those eyes which looked at so lovingly in every situation. His soft lips which pouted when you denied your love from him and his beautiful smile,the one he presently gave, when ever you told him you love him. His pretty little black sport and the bottom of his lips. His bedhead during the morning. Everything.

"Jungkook? Can you promise me something?"


"Please never forget me."


"Promise me you won't ever forget me and on your 1000th concert you will look at the first row third seat from your left."

Officer (Jeon Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now