- Chapter One

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(please read the authors note at the end, thank you.)

I never thought I would be a single mother. A single mother living in America.

Yes, I quickly dashed to America to get away from it all.

I always thought, Louis and I would get through everything together, have more children and live the wonderful life we promised. But in reality it never worked out, just not quite how we wanted it too. Maybe this is the way Louis wanted it, I don’t know. But I know for sure, this isn’t how I wanted it. To be asked ‘where’s daddy?’ every day, and not have the actual answer.

The girls miss their father. And so do I. But it’s if he feels the same, which I question time and time again.

Not once.

Not once has he made any effort to text or ring me. I’ve had nothing for the past week.

Yes. We’ve only been gone a week, somewhere, where Louis does not know of. If he knew where we were, he would take the girls. But it’s if he would, that I question. Would he actually come and take the girls away from me?

I still don’t know what happened. In our marriage and life. The girls have nothing to do with this. Nothing at all! If Louis wants someone to blame, then he can blame me for whatever the fuck I’ve supposedly done.

For the past week, everyone but Louis has been round to see me and the girls, they’ve not said anything to do with Louis, not even mentioned his name. In some ways I’m glad, but a part of me wants to know. I want to know how he is, why he was like that, why he doesn’t care anymore. It was like he just woke up one day and decided not to care anymore. I still want to know, was it me?

Did I do something wrong?

(Current day)

“Mumma.” Adalyn screamed. My head turned from where I was sitting on the bed eating my cereal and toast. “Yes, baby?” I say looking at her as she smiles. “Up dere.” She points to where I’m sitting, “no, you can stay there, you’re fine.” I tell her and carry on reading my magazine. “No mumma.” Adalyn protests, making me take a second glance. I laugh a little and look at her, “Adalyn, you’re staying there.” I say again.

“Ev?” She says to me. “Evelyn’s up here because she’s asleep. If you want to sleep, you can come up on the bed.” I say. As if I knew Adalyn so well, she would say she’s sleepy to get on the bed. “Sleepy.” Adalyn mumbles, rubbing her eyes. “Typical.” I mumble and put my cereal bowl down on my bedside table. I pick Adalyn up and place her on the bed. She scoots around and sits, facing me while eating her fingers.

“You’re lucky I love you.” I tell her and wipe a bogey from her nose. “Where’s daddy?” Adalyn asks me while she plays with her feet. “He’s not here at the moment, baby.” I tell her. “I want a cuddle.” She says, I pick Adalyn up to cuddle her when she pushes me away slightly. “I want a daddy cuddle.”

I pull back slightly as my heart breaks, “daddy’s not here though.” I sigh and put her back on the bed.

“I want daddy.” She whines loudly.

“Adalyn, no.” I scold her, and put my cup of tea on the side. “Peep down, Evelyn’s sleeping,” I tell her and stand up. “And I’ve told you daddy isn’t here.” I say picking her up and placing her in her den.

I go back to my laptop and just continue to scroll through Louis’ tweets, he’s tweeted 5 times since we last spoke, nothing personal just about the band, “such a prick.” I mumble taking the last sip of my drink. I turn off my laptop and take my mug to the sink in the kitchen, I turn my head when I get a knock at the door.

“Oh.” Adalyn says, I turn around and look at her. She has her fingers in her mouth (yet again) and is looking at the door. “Stop that.” I laugh, and open the door.

“Alright, love.” Niall chirps and smiles at me, then brings me in for a hug. “Hiya.” I say and hug him back.

“How are you doing?” He asks me as I shut the door after welcoming him in. “Good.” I lie. I’m not doing well, but I like to tell people that, it stops those asking questions.

“And how are my girls?” he asks looking at Adalyn in her den and Evelyn sleeping beside me. “Adalyn’s being a cheeky monkey and Evelyn’s being an angel.” I say. Adalyn makes a noise and Niall goes straight to her, he picks her up and makes her laugh. I smile and watch them. Ever since, well, whatever happened with Louis and I, Niall has stepped in, he’s the father figure to the girls and he’s like my go to guy, if I need anything he’s there. In a way, I love that about Niall. He’s turned in to be the father, Louis never was.

Don’t get me wrong, Louis was an amazing father, he has a heart of gold, but with what happened, it showed something in him that was horrible, he was showing his colours, that had never been shown and I really didn’t like that. He wasn’t safe to be around, me or the girls.

I hope someday, Louis will find it in him to try and be a good father to Adalyn and Evelyn. I really do. And I hope Louis and I will get back together and we’ll become the little family we were. But for now, I’m all on my own.

Adalyn, Evelyn, and me.

And Lola.

(Helloooo!! Where to start. I’m actually, really sorry for how long it’s been. About 11 months, shorter than that? Longer than that? I’m not going to bore you with excuses, but I could not think of anything to write at all. Nada. A lot has happened though, I got my gcse’s, I went on holiday, I got a job, my friends were in a serious car accident, one of them died, I went to my first funeral and such, but I’m a lot better and happier now and all of a sudden I’ve had the urge to write some more. So here it is, I know it’s short, but it’s just a little something. So please enjoy and let me know what you think and what you want to happen.


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