chapter 5

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Kevin----> Ooooh Yeaaah.~~~

Chapter 6

Evan was standing in front of me, wearing a loose pair of pajama pants and nothing else. I ran my finger down his chest. My body shuddered with pleasure, his too. He pulled me closer to him. I felt the heat from his body. He stroked my hair with his other hand. Then he let his hand glide down the back of my head and shoulders, moving slowly down my back pulling me even closer then cupping my butt and lifting me onto him. I wrapped my legs around him. He kissed me hard on the mouth. I lifted my face and he moved his lip to my neck… was I really having this kind of dream? We fell into a bed of soft grass. Letting his hands seek all over my body. Oh my! Things started getting really heated. Then that whisper came… “Let yourself go”.  And I was awake again. What was going on with me?

 “You know that would have been a nice experience for the both of you” a feminine voice said from across the room. 

I jumped out of my bed with a yelp. 

“What the… who are you?!” standing at the foot of my bed was a woman... well I thought she looked womanly. Her hair was like a fall tree there were so many colors, her skin was a golden hue. Her eyes were the brightest blue I had ever seen. They looked like the summer sky. She was wearing what I could only describe as a mixture of leaves, vines and mist. They were continually flowing around her in the shape of a dress. Sometimes revealing her curvy figure underneath, and then cloaking it again. Her voice was like the song of a bird, sweet and high and beautiful. “I said I think you and he would have both enjoyed that if you had kept it going” she smiled at me; it was like a mother’s smile mixed with the one a friend gives you when you both share a secret.  I was stunned speechless. “Well since you aren’t talking much I will”

She drifted closer to the the bed and i sat back down. Then she sat down next to me “I am Gaia, or more commonly known, Mother Nature. I’ve been coming to you in your dreams of late, and it’s time I explain what’s going on.” I blinked “I’m ready to have a life again, a mortal life. And for me to do that I need to find someone to become me, well not me, but Mother Nature. You are one of my candidates.” I shook my head a little “what?” She put her soft hand over mine, it felt like velvet fur. “I am here to test you to see if you can take my place. The winds, the tornadoes, the log in the lake those test to see if you could handle training. If you can learn to control the small things then bigger things will come.” I thought for a second about all the dreams and urges I’ve had “bigger things?” I asked.

She smiled again this time a little sorrow in it “Yes bigger things. I only have one candidate at a time; it would be your goal to control the things all around you. Life, growth, creation, destruction, weather, emotions, decay, everything. When you master these things you become me, and I take over your life for you.”  I looked up from her hand “and what if I don’t master those things?” She squeezed my hand “Then I move on to my next candidate and you forget all these things. Life will go on normally for you until you die.”  Was I hallucinating from some mold spores or something? 

I might as well go on with it. “Am I the first one you’ve chosen?” She let out a little bubbly laugh I could almost hear water trickling behind it. “No dear one there has been others but none of them have passed to the final trial. You would recognize their trials by the unnatural occurrences that happened. Mt. Saint Helens, Hurricane Katrina, the tornadoes in Indiana, the tsunami, earthquakes in china, all of these were part of those girls’ tests.” I gasped 

“So when you say bigger things you mean Wells is going to be plagued by freak weather?” she smirked a little “I don’t control just the weather, that’s just how far those girls got to. The thing is when I’m testing someone out I lose my power to keep things in order in that area. So she must take control. If she can’t then again I regain control and she forgets that she was ever involved.” 

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