Chapter 7

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~~~~ scary butt "death"--->  

  Living in the local motel was not ideal for me. My mom refused to talk to me again. I know the desk clerk was gabbing about how often Evan came over, and to be honest the room smelled like corn chips. Nothing had happened in the last two weeks. I was on edge a lot, trying to anticipate the next “test”. Evan noticed that something was up, but I think he wrote it off that it was something to do with my mom. I couldn’t concentrate at work or when I was out with friends. So much in fact that Evan was really the only one that came to be with me anymore. Dr. R had told me he thought I could use some time off and not to worry about my shifts for a while. I guess he was trying to be nice and just couldn’t out right fire me. I didn’t care. I could feel like something was coming but I had no idea what I was in for.   

It was on a Monday that I heard the buzzing. Like a hum of the clothes dryer. I was at the grocery store. I went outside to see what it was. I looked over the buildings on the other side of Main St. There was a huge black cloud moving into the town. The buzzing got louder.  Then a giant grasshopper thing landed on the sidewalk in front of me. Grasshoppers? Well kind of, but bigger, oh no Locusts! I hadn’t ever seen them in real life. Only in those end of the world movies.  The cloud was swarming into downtown. How the heck was I supposed to control bugs? I held my hands out, closed my eyes and mouth tight and thought of them being pushed away somehow. Yeah, that didn’t work. There now about a hundred of them perched on me. Ewww!  I started swatting at my body and running back to the store.  I had knocked most of them off when I opened the doors. What was I going to do? I knew that locust were a natural occurrence and that they ate everything in their path. So maybe we’re supposed to be hit by them.  But Wells wasn’t really a farming town. Eesh I really didn’t like bugs.  I watched them beat against the glass of the grocery store. It’s like they were trying to get in to me, like really trying to get to me. I could see behind them a little and there were a couple of people on the other side of the street just peeking out the windows. It was weird no one was screaming, or freaking out but me.  Well I couldn’t stay here forever. I counted to three and ran for my car. I was bombarded by bugs again.  I drove to the motel and ran inside. The buzzing was louder. It surrounded the room. Then there was a knocking at the door. I jerked it open pulled whoever it was in and slammed it shut.

“Whoa, someone’s glad to see me” Evan said as I jerked him in.  I checked him over to make sure none of them were on him.

“Are you ok?’ I asked him,

“Yeah, I’m fine... are you ok?” He looked at me like I was acting a little nuts. Well he was the nutty one! Who could calmly walk through a cloud of flying bugs and be ok?

“They didn’t bother you even a little?” 

“What are you talking about babe?” Evan had just recently started using pet names for me. It was a little weird.

“The bugs!” I yelled and then flipped the curtains a little.

“Bugs?” he questioned.

“Yes bugs! The ones right out there!” I yelled again. He scrunched his face a little and walked over to the window.

“Hun, there are a few flies and maybe a spider or two in addition to the fire ants. I don’t really get squeamish from bugs; I thought you knew that, I’ve been throwing them at you my whole life.”

What?! Did he not see the giant black cloud of locust trying to break down my door?  I looked at his face which began to take on a worried look. I guess he didn’t see them. Well crap he must think I’m going nuts right now! Ok, chill out

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