Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Depressing, but true.

Draco was momentarily horrified when he felt himself harden between Hermione's soft thighs.

He had just meant to hold her, to think about the staggering realization that he had fallen in love with her... But when she pushed back against him, he felt helpless to resist what his body wanted to do. It responded immediately, and he was painfully hard within seconds.

Oh fuck fuck fuck.

He thought for sure she would push him away, disgusted with his lack of control.

When she let out a soft gasp, he cringed, waiting for her reaction.

And then she slowly, deliberately slid her hand in between her legs, all the way through to where his erection was nestled, and stroked him.

He jolted from he feel of her fingers, letting out a tortured moan.

"Gods Hermione," he rasped. "You don't have to... I mean, don't feel that you have to..."

"Shhh," she said, stroking him a bit faster, pressing his cock against her. Through his thin cotton pants, against her thin cotton shorts, he could feel how hot she was. How... Wet. No, more than wet, she was soaked.

His heart lept in his chest.

She wants this? She really wants this?

The idea left him flummoxed. He had only ever fooled around with witches before, fully intending to give up his virginity as soon as he could. But as his parents became more involved with Voldemort, and Draco became implicated, he found himself pulling away from physical and emotional connections, opting instead for the occasional snog and blow job from an overly-eager Pansy. When he began planning his own death, he assumed that he would simply have to die without that particular intimacy. Tragic, but there were bigger things on his mind.

Now, feeling Hermione's hand against him, her body pressing back into his, he felt overwhelmingly thankful that he hadn't given himself to some Slytherin slag.

He shuddered with pleasure and murmured Hermione's name against the skin of her back.

If they had been naked, he could have entered her right then - they were perfectly positioned, the tip of him pressing against her wet opening through the fabric. Her hand continued to stroke him, and he heard her breaths quicken.

Another groan escaped his lips. He was falling apart under her touch.

"Draco," she moaned. "Draco... More..."

Needing no more encouragement, he quickly pulled her shorts down over her bum. They were still spooned, her back against his chest, and he took advantage of the access the position afforded him. Not wanting to wait another second, he plunged two fingers deep inside of her. She was slick and hot and oh Gods he wanted to be inside of her more than anything.

She let out a cry and bucked against him, deepening the penetration and pressing back against his erection. He slipped his fingers out and stroked her entire pussy, entrance to clit, back and forth, eliciting sweet cries from her as she trembled under his touch. She felt divine. Hardly able to decide how we wanted to touch her next, he slipped his fingers back inside her and pounded them into her mercilessly, nearly reaching his own climax as her cries rose in volume.

"Draco!" she screamed hoarsely. "More!"

He felt her reach back and tug the waistband of his pants down, freeing his cock and allowing him to rub his sensitive head against her wetness. Merlin, he had never felt anything like this before. He kissed her neck and shoulders as he continued to slide his cock along the outside of her pussy. Did she want him to be inside? He certainly wanted to... But would it hurt her?

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