Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Depressing, but true.
When Draco woke up to find Hermione gone, he figured she must have stepped out to use the loo, euphemism as it was. The hammock was still warm, still saturated with her flowery scent, so she had probably just left. He would give her a few minutes before starting to worry. He trusted her, after all - she wouldn't go far.

A dreamy smile crossed his face as he remembered their night together. Merlin, there was no denying it; he was absolutely crazy about her. As he recalled the feeling of her curves, her wet heat, the sound of his name on her lips when she came on his rigid cock... He was aroused again within seconds. Draco couldn't have asked for a more memorable first time if he tried. He wanted every time to be like that, with her, always.

With a groan, he pulled himself out of the hammock to stretch his legs, rearranging his erection so it wouldn't be so distracting. The sun drew him to the mouth of the cave to admire the beautiful day. He didn't see her in the woods nearby, and pushed down his feeling of concern. She was fine. She would be back any second now.

A veritable symphony of birds could be heard from where he stood, and he relaxed as he listened to them sing. The cheerful musical sounds were soothing, and he let his eyes drift shut as he soaked them in.

His eyebrows knitted together suddenly. Something wasn't right. He could hear an additional sound buried under the birdsong... What was it?

Draco's eyes snapped open. Male voices.

Death Eaters or Demented Duo?

Both options made his stomach clench, since they were equally likely to result in a confrontation. Only one meant Hermione harm, however, so he hoped that Potter and Weasley were the ones wandering through his woods.

Funny that he considered the woods his now. His and Hermione's.

But wait, is that why she left the cave? Is she talking to them now? What if they try to take her away against her will? Draco figured they'd have an easier time getting Voldemort to feel genuine remorse, but he was worried nonetheless. He couldn't let those two lovesick fools mess up what he had with Hermione. He knew they wouldn't be happy with the situation, and he didn't want them taking any of their anger out on her. Who knew what they would say to her to push them apart? He wouldn't stand for that; they would have to get through him first.

He grabbed the snatcher's wand - Hermione had checked it over the night before and gave him the go-ahead. Quickly transfiguring his clothes, he took off in the direction of the voices, determined to find Hermione and help her explain things to her hot-headed friends.

He had only been walking through the woods for a few minutes when he was knocked off his feet by a strong curse. Swearing, he clutched his forehead to find blood trickling down his face. His wand was somewhere on the ground, but he couldn't see through the blood.

"Don't move, Malfoy!" said an angry voice.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, you daft son of a bitch," Draco spat, trying to keep the blood out of his eyes. He couldn't quite make out his attacker, but he knew perfectly well who it was. He had to listen to that annoying voice throughout his entire time at Hogwarts. "I'm not working against you, Potter. I was hoping Hermione might have mentioned that in her message."

"She did," said another voice, this one sounding even angrier than Potter's. Weasley's, no doubt. "But we know better than to believe your bullshit. Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater."

"Thank you so much for that helpful lesson in absolute stupidity, Weasley, but it may interest you to know that I've fallen out of favour with the Dark Psycho after destroying one of his horcruxes. I would call that a pretty drastic change of heart. Hermione saved my life - " He was cut off by another powerful hex that ripped up his stomach and knocked him flat on his back.

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