Lucky kitty

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Running across the rooftops and flirting with his lady was Chat Noir's nightly routine sometimes school and the pressure from his father was way too much so he would let his claws scratch every rooftop and sometimes he would stop to stare at the stars or in his mind the artwork of the sky he loved being outside especially with his lady his lovely lady and one day he wished to tell her that his feelings were true and he loved her dearly. But she had her eyes on someone else or so she thought.

He dug his claws into the rooftop scratching him to a stop he heard a scream
behind him and looked up to see Ladybug falling with her yoyo in hand it looked like she was an angel from heaven with the beautiful clouds that surrounded her

What was happening again?

Oh right.

He smirked and caught her bridal style quite easily he then looked in her eyes their faces only inches apart. "Hello M'lady~" ladybug giggled and pushed him away before flicking his cat bell with Chat distracted she stood up patting him on the head and crossing her arms.
"Thanks Kitty." She sat down and smiled looking at the stars and the way the stars made her eyes glow amazed Chat. How could one girl be so incredibly beautiful? It was a mystery to him and the only thing that was clear is that he did in fact love her, And whoever she was behind the mask.

He walked next to her putting an arm around her and pointing at the stars. "They're so beautiful!" She smiled. "Wanna know whats more beautiful?" Chat pulled the girl closer to him as Ladybug answered "what?" But then she got distracted as she thought of him. 'Adrien.' She thought of his perfect skin his luscious blonde hair his green pearly eyes. "You." Chat broke her from her thoughts and she smiled cuddling up with him. "Silly kitty." He purred in response making her giggle.

"So M'lady You know who I love, but who did you give your heart to?" Ladybug sighs. "You'll be sad it's not you." Chat snickered. "Ladybug you're not only my crush you're my best friend I support everything you do now tell me who's the lucky guy?" Ladybug blushed at the comment and smiled a bit. "He's perfect. But every girl likes him, he probably doesn't even know I'm alive." Chat stared. "But you're the coolest girl I know, well one of them." Ladybug snickered knowing 100% who the "other" girl is.

Ladybug sighed. "He's a model and he's blonde with perfect green eyes." Chat noir laughed. "I think i know someone like that." She smirked and hugged her knees. "Well his picture is all over Paris. Chat blinked and stared. "So why do you think he doesn't notice you? Are you friends? Have you ever spoke to him?" He felt a bit jealous but held it in, but he couldn't help feeling jealous could he? Ladybug was a beautiful confident kind extrovert how could this jerk not notice her? "I've spoken to him
though I stutter a lot around him and we're friends he's good company but I don't think he likes me there's this girl who practically owns him she hates me, and tries to ruin my life at any chance she gets." Chat sighs. "I know someone like that too; to be honest I know a girl you can probably relate to. Really sweet, pretty and shy."

Ladybug holds his hand making him blush. "Guess we would get along." Chat stares. "B-But you're not shy!" She sighed and looks away letting her bangs cover her blue orbs. "Chat, this isn't who I really am... I'm not confident or brave or strong. I'm shy and bottled up I'm always doodling or stuttering and I keep to myself I'm not who you think I am," she looks at him with tears in her eyes. "I-I'm NOT who you love." Chat stared at her he HATED seeing his love cry she wiped one of her eyes but Chat grabbed her wrist. "M'lady, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, and anyone who can't see thanks blind, I bet whoever you are behind that mask is as beautiful as you ladybug, and one day... I do want to meet you." He caresses her face and closes his eyes making their noses touch.

"Behind the mask."

Ladybug put her arms around him as he kissed her the kiss was what Chat had been dreaming of something he yearned to have since the day they met. But then something unforgettable happened. "Adrien." She whispered and Chat fell back off the rooftop and onto the balcony luckily no one was home. Chat stared at Ladybug. "A-Adrien?!" Ladybug covered her mouth. "CHAT! I'M SO SORRY!" She climbed down and put her hands on his chest. "I didn't mean to! I-I'm a jerk Chat please forgive me... well now you know who I like." She pushed a lock of hair out of her face and sighed. "Guess the cats out of the bag?" Chat blushed and pulled her to him kissing her again she relaxed still letting tears fall down her face and kissed him full of love and passion and no regret no mistake she loved Chat Noir she loved Adrien. She loved them both.

Thank god they were the same person.

Ladybug loves me... ladybug loves me. Ladybug loves me!

Those words repeated in the alley cats mind as he kissed the love of his life when the kiss broke she yawned and Chat smiled. "I'll take the night shift go home and get some rest Bugaboo." Ladybug giggled and Chat picked her up bridal style she told him where she lived and he sprinted there. But as he ran he began to think... he loved ladybug but lately he's developed another crush on the shy girl known as Marinette. He loved the way she laughed and the way she thought. The way they would barely know each other but it felt like best friends he had loved getting to know her likes and disliked and her hobbies and seeing her designs he loved ladybug he loved Marinette. How could he choose between them "my room is at the top..." she said before she fell asleep. Chat snickered. "We'll be there in no time Princess..." he whispered as he kissed her on the head when he got there he hopped to the top and climbed into the window he felt he had been there before but brushed it off.

He kissed her on the lips and laid her in her bed he pulled the cover over her and smiled. "Goodnight Ladybu-" then suddenly her top started to dissolve into a blue tank top with pink hearts he snickered "Cutie." He watched then as her red black spotted mask started to dissolve from the bottom revealing his true love he then gasped.


He covered his mouth and then smiled.


Tikki didn't notice Chat instead she cuddled up with Marinette and fell asleep Chat then jumped out the window and landed on his feet he then jumped again rooftop to rooftop.

He loved Ladybug, Ladybug loved him. He loved Marinette, Marinette loved him.

Ladybug was Marinette...

At that moment he knew he was the only black cat in the world with

Good luck.

I hope you liked it! Comment below what SHIP should be in the next chapter AND if you liked the story i am pretty proud of it and i hope it was good! thank you and have a good day everyone! Blaire signing out'

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