Chapter 1.

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"Dad!" I giggled. 

 Me and my Father, were seated in a local Mcdonalds, making jokes and eating are greasy Mcdonalds burgers. 

"So, how's your little boyfriend doing?" He was stuffing his face with his fatty double cheese burger.

"Dadddd...He's not my boyfriend. Remember?" He laughed and then wiped his face with a napkin, taking a sip from his large cup of coke. 

"Honey, we all know he likes you." I blushed and chuckled. 

"Dad, were bestfriends." Lifting up are tray and sliding the rest of are food into the near by trash bin.

 As my father stood up, grabbing his coat, he slid his arm around me. "Whatever you say darling." He smiled, stepping outside into the fridgid cold outdoors. 

 As we reached the car, he pulled out his keys unlocking the door. I waited patiently, pulling the handle open, to the passanger seat. 

 "Dad could you bring me to Harry's?" I turned his way and gave him a puppydog face. He smiled and nodded. 

"As long as you promise me, that you'll be home for dinner." I smiled. The usual dad.

"I promise." He turned to look at me and then smiled, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. I then turned my head back to the road, noticing my dad was on the other side of the road. I screamed, but before I could do it for any longer, we have crashed. 

 Am I dead?

I can't be. 

 I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I turned to look at myself.

Not a scratch. 

 I then turned to my dad. 

Gone. Dead. Blood. Everywhere. 

I was in shock. I pulled my hand up to my mouth, letting the tears silently fall. 

 I looked for the door handle, yanking it open and running. 

I didn't know what to do. 

My phone was dead. 

I was scared.

I looked for the closet pay phone, then I noticed.

Harry's house.

I ran as fast I could, reached the door and pushing the door open. Searching the house, I was hyperventilating. Before I could panic anymore, I found Harry. 

"Alexis?" I stood there, tears slipping down my face, one after another.

He slipped off his bed, running to me, pulling me into a tight hug. 

"Alexis" he slowly spoke. 

 "Alexis.. please talk to me." he kept calling my name but i just stayed frozen.

 I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything after what had just happened.

  "Alexis. Tell me." he kept speaking, but his voice was beginning to slowly fade.

 "my..." the words wouldn't come out.

Harry took his hands off my shoulders and  ran his hands through his hair. Clearly frustrated. 

  "Alexis.. please tell me what happened." He began to place his hands in my hands, trying to get something out of me. I couldn't speak. I didn't want to speak of what I just saw, 20 minutes before. 

 Right before I tried to say something, again, Harrys phone began to ring. He took his hands out of my mine and reached into his back pocket, grabbing his phone. He looked at his screen. 

"Alexis, its your mother." I shook my head and looked down at my hands. He began to speak. 

 "Yeah, Alexis is with me. She's shaking up and won't tell me what happened. Wait, what? Mrs. Davis, please slow down." and thats when the phone went dead. 

 "Your dad. Alexi-" I stopped him, and walked away. I didn't want to hear about it. He's gone. My dad is gone. 

Except for Harry, he was my bestfriend. My mother never cared about me and now my only true parent is gone. He left me.

I began walking out of Harry's house, before he grabbed my wrist pulling me in front of him. 

"Alexis." he whispered, looking me straight into my puffy, red eyes.

"We can work this out. I promise we will." He said, more calmly. 

I didn't want to say anything. I couldn't. Their was nothing more to say. It was all gone. My whole life was gone.

"Please say something, Alexis." he was still trying to get my attention. I shook my head, looking at the ground. 

"Atleast let me take you back home." Still trying to get me to say something, I shook my head. I didn't want to go back to my mother. I wanted my father. Alive. 

"Then stay with me, please." He begged. I finally nodded. 

Harry grabbed my hand, walking me back into his house and up to his room. 

I stood there, not caring what was going on. He slipped the sheets up and dragged me over to his bed. 

"Alexis please." He practically made me get into his bed. 

 I layed there, slowly everything fading. 

"Everything will be okay." I heard Harry's words, fading before I fell into a deep sleep. 

I hope you guys liked it ! Its my first, and im really new at this. Seriously. I wanted to write, so i decided to write one. A good* one. Eh, hopefully its good enough !! :) 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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