Modern world

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I live with my brother Sayan in a adverge apartment just outside a beautiful beach which didn't cost that much.

During the process of collecting money we were finding it hard to cope.

We worked three jobs each and didn't really get a lot of stuff.

We used to camp out at this random schools gym.


Don't why though.

I remember this one time we were sleeping and a loud screech came from the other end of the room which woke us up. We ran behind benches and listened to the conversation.

They were just close enough to make out what most of them looked like.

'Hey dude, do you recon someone's gonna know we were here?' a inquisitive voice asked a tall brunette with what it looked like bright green eyes. They were as green as the swaying grass in a flower patch.

Before he spoke a blonde girl came out from the dark shadow of the basketball hoop.

'Yea babe you know i don't want to be taken of the cheerleadering team.'

'It's ok we just need to make sure we find evey camera and spray paint it.'

They spread out and Sayan already moved to a different spot inching closer but i was trying not to move.

I slipped backwards and fell straight onto well guess who.

Green eyes.

His skin was smooth and was wearing a black shirt with just a random pear of jeans and converse.

'Ahhhhh get off me!'

I struggled moving Round since he sat on me so i couldn't move.

'Show me your face! turn around lemme talk to you!' green eyes insisted.

i nudged and tryed not to let him see my face.

'Back off you don't know me!'

At that moment he held my head down and saw my face.

He stopped.

'who are you, how did you get in here , how old are you?'

'You first.'

The girl came around slapped me one and told me to answer the questions.

'My name is diamond, i sleep here and I'm 18'.

'My name is Jordan. This is Merry.

My girlfriend.'

'Ok whatever let me go.'

I remember Jordan letting me go then punching Merry then kicking her in the stomach. Jordan and his mate chased me down but couldn't catch me .

Later i meet up with my brother outside the school he said we need to the buy our current apartment but we wouldn't have enough money for food.

I agreed and we have never been back since.

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