Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story

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Chapter 16 



News got around..She was going. I couldn't believe it, my heart felt like it had been smashed into a million pieces. This was the day Faye was leaving, the girl who had changed my life completely. I don't think I'd ever forget this girl, she was my first love. I thought we were going to have a proper future together, I remember when she was planning how our wedding would be like..I guess none of that would ever happened. She would probably find someone better in Australia and marry them, I don't think she'd ever come back over here, especially if she never wants to see my face again. 

'Mate stop focusing on Faye, you need to clear your mind, we're in the x factor and we have a good chance!' Zayn said

He was right, we did actually stand a good chance. I needed to stop thinking about Faye even though it pained me to think she was leaving England today..forever. I sent her one last text, to tell her everything before she left, I was still in love with her.

TO - Faye

You don't have to reply, just before you go I wanted you to know how much I love you and how much I'm sorry, I know what I did was unforgivable and I understand why you're leaving, just know I love you the entire world and just because you're in Australia isn't going to stop me loving you, maybe if I get famous I could come over and give you a visit? If you ever wanted to see me again, probably not but it would be cool if we could be friends. I'll miss you.

Love you forever and always, HStyles x

Was this too risky? Na, I clicked the send button and it felt like a weight had been lifted off my back, I guess I just needed to tell her how I really felt. I got focused on rehearsals, maybe we could actually win this...


It was the day I was leaving, I was already at the airport, I was early for once! Me and Hannah needed to say a proper goodbye even though I'd be seeing her again in 2 weeks, I was going to miss her so much. I'd already said goodbye to Louis even though he was coming over sometime too. I hadn't really seen Harry that much since we argued and I didn't really want too..I loved him so much and it was breaking my heart to leave him but I just couldn't believe what he had done..I didn't think he'd ever cheat. I needed to clear all the bad stuff out of my head, I was going to see my best friends and my nan! And my other best friend would be flying over in 2 weeks plus it's alot warmer in Australia! And even if I miss home 5 months will fly by! 

'I'm going to miss you too much' Hannah said

We were both already in tears

'Why are we even crying, I'm gonna see you in 2 weeks, I'm gonna miss you loads aswell'

'I know, but after that I won't see you much'

'I know babe, but 5 months will fly by then I'm back for good, I just need to clear my head'

We hugged for a while and eventually pulled out. She kissed me on the cheek

'Take care babe, let me know when you've landed, I'll be seeing you in 2 weeks!'

'Bring your bikini' I winked

'Haha, I'll make sure of it!'

I waved and she blew a kiss, I got on board..time to go back to Australia for 5 months..


I was here! I was back home. It was already warm on the plane, I couldn't wait too see my nan, she was coming to pick me up from the airport, she must get so lonely here since my grandad died then we moved away, I was happy to be keeping her company for 5 months. We boarded off the plane and I looked everywhere for my nan, she wasn't that small..

'Nan!!' I shouted

'Faye!!!' She said while opening her arms

I ran over and hugged her

'I've missed you so much darling' She said with her eyes scanning me

'I've missed you too nan!'

'My, you have grown!'

I smiled and we got into the car

'So how was England?'

' was okay, just really cold'

'Well you know, you don't need boys, you've got your old nan here to keep you company for 5 months' She said grabbing my hand

'Haha, I know nan' I said laughing

I got out my phone finally after the signal came back on. Oh my god I had a text off Harry.. I read it and tears came too my eyes, I didn't want my nan to see me cry so I tried my best. Should I forgive him? I didn't want to still be holding a grudge when I go back..I took a deep breath and started texting

TO - Harry

I love you too..but I just couldn't do it, you cheated and that's when you get famous all the girls will be screaming you so you have a bunch to pick out of ;-) I'm only here for 5 months then I come back, I'll miss you too...I'm sorry for going as mad as I did, of course we can be friends. And sure thing, book your flight soon as! Haha.

Hugs and kisses..Faye xo

I clicked send, I didn't know if I wanted to get back with him, anyway after 5 months he would of found someone else, and maybe even won the x factor..and maybe I would of found someone? We can't tell the future so let's just focus on now. My phone virbated, Harry was always a fast texter

FROM - Harry

I know, I'm such an idiot, and I know but I would pick you over them anyday... and you shouldn't even be saying sorry, you had every right to get mad at me, and woah really? You don't understand how happy I am and WOAH, you actually want to see me?!


TO - Harry

Aww, and of course why wouldn't I?! Come over with Louis!

FROM - Harry

Woahh, and yeah defenitley! See ya soon! X

Guess I was seeing him soon, I was kinda excited..even though I was trying to get over him.

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