There is these two girls Taylor and Stephanie all they do is smock weed and party and have sex with guys they just meat then Stephanie's sister she never know existed finds Stephanie and they spend a month together then she dies a weeks goes by then...
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Steph's school outfit for the day!!..........
(Taylor's p.o.v)
I walk in to steph's room and says GET UP SLUT YOU HAVE SCHOOL!!!!!.... Then i fell a sharp pain in my stomach because she threw a book at my stomach.
Taylor: ''What the fuck was that for.''
Taylor:'' Sorry you have school now get up before your late.''
(Steph's p.o.v)
I wake up to my annoying sister telling me to get up for school i'm not getting up for school at 6 in the fucking morning FUCK THAT!!!!!! So i threw a book at her. But i get up anyway and put on my outfit and do my hair. We live like right next to the school so i walk.
That's Evelyn in the pic..<3
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(At school)
i here someone say HEY STEPH!!! i here someone yell so turn around to see Evelyn running at me.
Evelyn: HEY STEPH!!!!!!.
Steph: HEY BABYGIRL!!!!.
Steph: lets go find everyone else.
Evelyn: Okay.
( just to let you know Luke and Evelyn are dating and Alena and Jenna are dating)
Luke sees Evelyn and runs up to her and gives her a big hug and says '' there's the most beautiful girl in the world.''
Evelyn: Awe baby i love you!.
Luke: i love you too!.
Steph: this is why you guys are the schools favorite couple well seconded favorite couple Alena and Jenna are the schools first favorite couple lol.
Luke: well lets go fined Alena and Jenna.
Evelyn: K babe.
Steph: K.
We go fined Alena and Jenna, We fined them by there lockers talking about there plans for the weekend. ( they spend every weekend together) AHHHH ALEN JENNA!!!! i yell and run and give them a hug
Alena: Hey girl!!.
Jenna: Hey bitch!!.
Steph: Hahah love you guys
Alena: Love you too
Jenna: Love you too
( Lunch time)
We all get are food and sit at the lunch table.
Luck: so Steph how Taylor.
Evelyn: Yea hows Taylor.
Steph: Shes fine.
Luke and Evelyn: Thats good.
Alena: So Steph when you having a party again.
Jenna: When are you i love your party's.
Steph: idk Friday night.
Evelyn,Luke,Jenna and Alena: OML YES DO IT!!!.
Steph: Okay okay i will lmao.
Luke: Hey did you guys know there's this new kid coming Thursday.
Jenna: Yea i hired its a boy too **cough cough Steph cough cough.**
Alena: Shut up babe.
Steph: Shut up!!!.
(End of the day)
We all meet up at are lockers because there right next to each other. Evelyn and Luke do what they do every every time at the end of the day
Evelyn: Bye Babe
Luke: Bye Baby I will video call you when i get home
** As there hugging and kissing**
And then the same for Alena And Jenna
Jenna: Bye Sexy
Alena: Bye Babe i will snapchat you when i get home