There is these two girls Taylor and Stephanie all they do is smock weed and party and have sex with guys they just meat then Stephanie's sister she never know existed finds Stephanie and they spend a month together then she dies a weeks goes by then...
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Zane and his school outfit
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There school outfits
(At school)
We all meet by are lockers and the new guy is there and he be lookin fine asf!!!!!!.
But i snap back to the world when i her STEPH STOP LOOKING AT THE NEW GUY AND TALK TO US!!!! Omg i wanted to kill Evelyn for yelling that. He just smiled at me and walked away. We all walk around tell we have to go to are first class for the day and Taylor just keeps blowing up my phone ** We need to talk when yo get home its vary important** all i say is okay because last time she said that she she need me to stop at the store lol.
( Lunch time)
The new guy sits at the end of are table for lunch omg he is so cute!!!!. We are all talking about the party tomorrow and next thing i knew Jenna was over by Zane asking him if he wanted to come!!. OMFG I'M DEAD KMS!!!!........ JENNA GET YOUR FLAT AS BACK OVER HERE!!! Alena yells to here Then i here Zane Say **yea why not sounds like fun** OMG I'M SO DEAD!!!! Then the bell rings And Jenna, Alena, Evelyn and Luke all kiss and say bye see you later to each other.
(End of the day)
The bell rings and we all are at are lockers getting ready to go home when i fell someone hug me from the back and its a guy you can tell by the voice because it sounds like a guy like Zane And he says ** I like you and I think your really cute i cant wait to go to your part tomorrow** Everyone's just like ** AWE!!!** and I just froze. Then Evelyn's like Hello earth to Stephanie hello!! Then i unfreeze And i'm just like um yea And everyone just laughs a little So i grad my stuff and walk away and yell bye see you tomorrow.
(At home)
I get home and Taylor is just freaking out
Taylor: Omg good you home site down.
Steph: Okay ( sits down)
Taylor: Okay so i don't know how to tell you this but here i go so you know how we have different dads?.
Steph: Yea........
Taylor: Okay well you have a sister named Lilly
Taylor: No you don't you have a sister named Lilly and she left when you were 3 you guys were doth the same age just you were born first you birth day is May 14th hers is May 16th. She left when your dad left.
Steph: No i don't believe you.
Taylor: Okay don't but shes coming tomorrow night she ran away from her boyfriend because he beats on her she just needed to get away. She will be staying with us for like 3 weeks or a month so be nice and spend some time with her she miss's you.
Steph: um okay so shes coming to the party tonight well she kinda has to its here.
Taylor: Oh were having a party why didn't you tell me i need to go i have to go shopping for and outfit.
Steph: Sorry bye have fun.
Taylor: Bye
Steph Whit shit i have to go shopping to for the party!!.