I stand in front of my casket. To young to die. It was an accident... I swear. My skin is pale. I look as if I'm in Peace, but the pain still lingers. Behind me I felt Satin's breath down my neck. I close my eyes. I become one with the Earth. I don't know where I am now. I can't see the light, it's just... dark. As my eyes adjust I see trees. I walk along the shallow rocky path. I can feel the dark energy throughout the woods. The moon is full and large. My head pounds. My soul is aching. It feels as if the Devil him self, is tearing the light out of my chest. The pain is now unbearable. I fall to my knees. I look out to she a light shadow, I don't know. As the shadow approches I see, no horns, no tail, and no staff. Just a... A young man. His eyes dark with fire, his thin face looks down at me. He smiles. He reaches out his hand. I look in fear, but don't hesitate to accept his offer. He gently helps me up. Our eyes meet. The pain is gone. Thankfully relieved. He guides my farther down the path. I see a small cabin like shelter. I hesitate. He turns around. I shake my head no. His eyes flicker and they draw me in. The pain is back. He takes control. I can't move, his thoughts flood my brain. I'm now his... now his slave. No going back. None to save me from this hell.
Walking With the Devil
FantasíaThis is all from my head. It's a story from a girls mind.