Chapter 1 - Melinda

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      : Love Complex :

  I regarded the person in front of me. I made out a pair of eyes, a mouth, and a nose. His face was a blur but I knew it was him, my one and only. I felt myself gently smile and reached out to embrace him as he did the same. Nice and long. And a kiss? No. We saved the kiss for later when we had parted ways. When we just didn't want to let each other go. I grabbed his hand to hold on to it, tight, feeling the presence of his warm hands. We were taking a stroll in the park. The air was still and warm. Everything was silent. The birds, the trees, the nature. It felt like it was just the two of us in this world. Time went by of walking in peaceful silence. When we took a rest on the freshly cut grass, we chatted about anything and everything until night fall. It was now time for us to leave. I turned to him, put my hands on his and leaned in to say...

"I love you." 

  I heard a reply but it did not sound like a voice coming from a male.

"I love you too honey but it's time to wake up now." My dream immediately faded away to black. I struggled to open my eyes to the sunlight coming from the blinds, as I felt a gentle shake on my shoulders. 

  I snuggled closer to my pillow and blanket. "Mom," I whined. "I was in the middle of being with dream boy." 

"Linda!" She shook me harder this time. It was too much movement for early morning. "It's 8:00 a.m! School starts in ten minutes!"

 I softly groaned. "Hmm?" I attempted opening my eyes, but sleep still called out to me. "School is tomorrow what do you mean?" I said with grumpy annoyance. 

"No Linda, it's today!"

"Today?" I forced my eyes open as info started to kick into my tired brain. "Oh shiiit!" I flung the covers across the bed and jumped out. 

My mom, who was on the other side of the bed, said, "Hey! No cussing in this house!"

I stood at the other edge of the bed and scoffed. "You do it too."

Now mom didn't go over the top with the curse words like I did. She was a classy lady. But she did do her share of f words here and there.

I think she remembered this and forms an o with her mouth. "You are indeed right my dear." 

 I walked over to my desk chair from across my room and grabbed my clothes that I prepared the night before. I turned to my mom. "Please get out so I can cha-" I caught a glimpse of the clock on my dresser.

 "It's barley 6:30!" I dropped my clothes to the floor, walked back to my bed, and allowed my half asleep self fall onto the comfy bed face down. I turned my head to the side. "I am going back to sleep." I happily closed my eyes.

"Linda! You slept through your alarm. If you go back to sleep now, you'll definitely wake up late."

I groaned as I pushed myself up from the bed, my head bowing down, hair hovering over my face. "Fine," I sighed.

"I'll go make some breakfast." Mom got up from the bed and strides her long legs out the room. 

I sat on the bed for a while as my thoughts drifted on to the dream I had. Would he ever fall for a girl like me? Even if he is way out of my league? In your dreams Melinda.

I got up and led my sluggish legs to the circle shaped mirror placed above the drawer furniture. My plain features stared back at me. My acorn colored hair was all tangled up and there were visible dark circles under my brown eyes.

 There were times where I felt like wearing a big brown paper bag over my head. Ever since that time someone called me ugly in the 7th grade, I had always put make up on. Which I hated. Hated the way my face felt heavy with the light skinned foundation. The way I poked my eye applying mascara. But I did anything from anyone ever calling me ugly again. 

 After 5 minutes of jamming with the radio, I parked the small blue bug car. I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat then got out of the car and locked it. I trudged my way into high school life as a junior. Another year without him, Everet Emers. I sighed. Everet texted me this morning to wish me a good first day. Looked like he was going to to be at Washington longer than he thought. Oh well. It was a good thing I had met Jane Preece.

 After Everet moved sophomore year, I met her in geometry class. We weren't as close, but we were good friends. I talked to her about Evert a few times out of missing him. I referred him as my best friend. She never knew how he looked like or his name though. 

 I arrived in the cafeteria. It was already packed. I looked around in the sea of students and spotted Jane next to the vending machines. With her bright electric blue hair, you couldn't miss her. She seemed to be talking to a guy. His back was facing me so I didn't see who it was. He was tall and had dark hair. I began to make my way towards them. Then the bell rang. I watched her wave goodbye to the unknown guy as she noticed me. The guy waved back and walked forward to the door close by him.

  I waited for Jane to catch up with me. 

"Hey Linda!" Jane grinned showing a perfect row of white teeth.

"Hi." I smiled back. We turned to walk out of the cafeteria. I nodded my head behind us and asked "Who was that boy just now?"

"Ooh. This really cute guy." She glanced at her watched. "Uh I'll tell you about him later. Gotta run!" She quickly waved and speed walked out the door. Someone was excited starting junior year.

After a long sidewalk trail, I arrived at the building with a beautiful mural painting. There was a black shiny black raven on one side of the wall with the words "Widows Peak High school" under it. It was the only way I remembered where the classroom for physics was. I was surprised I made it on time. I guess I walked faster than I thought. There were multiple classroom doors and mine was right in front of me. I grabbed the door handle and walked in.

 There was already a full class there. Low chitter chatter filled the room. The teacher, Mr. Ten, was at his desk looking at his computer. I went to the closest seat from the white board and sat down hugging my backpack. I had glasses but didn't wear them, so I wouldn't have been able to see if I had picked a seat all the way in the back. 

I subtly looked to my right and left side. No one sat on the left side, but on the right side there was a girl. She was chatting with someone who sat behind her. I was debating whether I should befriend her. My eyes felt heavy from the early wake that morning. I decided to just put my head down to take a little nap. The early bird schedule still needed time for my brain to get used to.

 Another bell rang after about a minute. Seconds later after it rang, I heard the door open then close. I didn't bother to shift my comfortable position to see who it was. Maybe I shouldn't have slept so late last night watching t.v. After a few foot steps and a moment of pause, I heard a voice so strangely familiar. 

"Hello, Lindle Linda."

 Lindle, Linda? What the hell? I slowly lifted my head to the direction of the voice, which was right next to me. My eyes widened. My heart felt like it was running a marathon. And somehow, I wasn't so tired anymore.

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