You Cant love Me

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Ryan's POV
I just got a call from Savannah saying something is wrong with Chloe so I'm driving there as fast as I can. I finally arrive and Savannah says she is upstairs. I walk up and when I open the door I see her. She has her head in her knees and she is silently crying. Chloe I say and she slowly looks up but then brings her head back down. Hey I said softly and kneeled down in front of her. She looked up at me and just stared. Is he gonna get me she asked. Is who gonna get you I asked her. Jeff she asked with fear spread across her face. No, he's in jail, you are safe, I'll keep you safe I said. I saw a small smile form in her lips but then they went back to normal. Thank you she whispered then out of surprise she hugged me. I lifted her up and we sat on the bed. She began staring at me again and for some reason I stared at her. Her eyes were putting a spell on me, I felt myself begin moving closer to her. I then placed my lips to her and out of surprise she kissed back. I pulled her into my lap continuing to kiss her. I felt her small hands pulling on my shirt so I pulled away and let her take it off. Weird she is being so calm. She went back to kissing me. I tugged her shirt and she pulled it off and then I laid down and pulled her on top off me. I placed my hand on her back and all of a sudden she jumped up and backed into the wall. She was out of breath but had a really scared look on her face. I wasn't planning to have sex with her but I think she thought I was. I looked at her and she looked back at me. Chloe I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I said putting my shirt on. I handed her hers and she put it on. I guess I'll leave I said walking towards the door but she stopped me. Don't go, please stay, she pleaded. She is such a confusing person, well I guess because of what she has been through. Ok I said and she went and turned the tv on. I walked and sat on the bed and then she sat on my lap. I smiled and I scooted back so I could lean against the wall. Chloe's POV
I think I'm started to remember ryan now, I just hope he won't hurt me. I can't believe he kissed me. I'm just afraid he'll be just like Jeff. He wanted me to have sex with him nonstop. When I tried to refuse he would beat me and then do it anyways. I'm so glad Ryan rescued me, unless he really didn't and he is working with jeff. Or he wants me for himself, I got off his lap and placed my back against the wall across from him. He looked at me confused. I don't know if he truly loves me or not, I can't let myself fall in love with him. He's just like everyone at the place. Sex fiend, nasty, rude, men. Maybe he's different, all this so so confusing. I just wanna die, then I won't have this stress anymore. I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I went in the drawer and seen a sharp pair of scissors. I would take pills but I afraid they'll hear them rattle. Am I really gonna do this, yes I am. I put the scissors to my wrist until I heard ryan knock. Are you alright Chloe he asked through the door. Yeah I said and put a little pressure onto my skin. I'm afraid, but what else can I do. I can't live my life in constant fear of someone is going to hurt me. I cut a line but it wasn't deep enough to kill me. Maybe I'll just do this once or twice a day until I finally die I thought to myself. I cut two more lines than washed off the scissors and my arm. Good things my sleeves were rolled up and I could roll them down. Wait do I wanna die now, I thought to myself. I got pulled out of my thoughts when ryan knocked again. I put the scissors away and opened the door. He smiled but I ignored it and walked straight passed him. Living a free life is so confusing. I thought I'm useless to the the world. And Jeff made me have a use to the world. And now I'm nothing but some weird girl who everyone feels sorry for. I laid on the bed and Ryan walked in so I just shut my eyes. I didn't feel like talking. I felt ryan sit on the bed and I knew he was staring at me. God, why can't he just leave me alone. Chloe he started but I cut him off. Leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you I yelled. I cracked my eyes open and seen he had a sad expression on his face. Ok he said sadly and walked out of the room and then shut the door. For some reason I started crying. I just pushed away the guy who saved me. But maybe I didn't want to be saved. I continued crying until I fell asleep. 

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