Chapter Six

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The slightly cool breeze tickled Alia's skin. She was sitting on a long, old wooden branch that seemed to have fallen of an oak tree as she waited for the sun to rise. Alia was enjoying the peaceful view of the lake. She didn't know how far away she was from her hostel or from her university campus and to be honest, she didn't care. At such a place, she didn't want to care about her problems or any individuals who she would stress over. This moment that she had been living in right now was perfect and no one could take that away from her.

A few more gushes of wind hit her, making her hair fly all over the place. As soon as the wind settled, her scattered hair fell into place and she didn't bother fixing it. Alia felt a hand take a lock of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. She didn't face the person and instead she kept her gaze locked on the waves of the water, waiting for it to touch her feet. He let out a soft sigh. Alia inhaled some air before exhaling slowly.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked him.

"Hmm..." was all he replied. Alia ran her fingers through her thick wavy hair. She glanced at the sand before returning to gaze at the water. There was a long moment of silence between the two. The only noise that existed was the sound of the waves that clashed against each other peacefully.

"I was wondering when you would come around..." Alia broke her gaze from the water and faced him. "What took you so long Varun? You know I don't bite." She bit her tongue as he smiled softly.

"Yes...I am aware." Varun's voice almost sounded new to her. She didn't hear it for a while. He started to doodle on the sand but Alia kept her eyes on him. "But you know, even I don't bite... You could've also spoken to me..." he trailed off, making her smile faintly.

"It's not as easy as it sounds V... You don't understand how intimidated I get by your sudden popularity. I know it sounds silly but I just can't seem to be myself around you knowing that more than half of the campus will have their eyes on me." Alia swallowed, avoiding any possible tears that could escape from her eyes. Varun had stopped doodling and gazed at Alia with intense yet soft eyes. "I don't even want to get started about those girls. Those perfect looking girls who hang out with you make me feel like as if I'm not even worth being friends with or even spoken to..."

"But that's not true, Alia. You need to stop holding yourself back. If anyone judges you, that's their problem and not yours because I know that you're better than them." Varun's words were soothing. Alia missed hearing his advice. He seemed to be the only person that knew how to understand her.

"The thing is that I actually try...I try so hard not to let it get to me but then..." She trailed off, looking up to the faded blue sky. Alia exhaled some air before she resumed talking. "But I am only..."

"Human..." Varun finished for her. She brought her eyes back to his, pursing her lips before biting on the bottom one.

"Yeah..." Alia breathed. She tousled her waves to the left, facing the lake again.

"But now I am here..." he said quietly. "and I'm not leaving any time soon." She could feel his eyes on her but she kept looking at the open space that existed within the lake.

"Promise..?" Alia asked, her voice quieter than his whisper. She felt his hand on top of her hand that was resting on top of the wooden log.

"Promise." Varun assured her. Alia faced him and smiled faintly but sincerely. She rested her head on his shoulder, just like she used to in the old days. There was much more that was wanting to be said but she kept quiet. Alia didn't want the perfect moment to be spoiled. So they stared off into the open air, allowing the sound of the clashing water waves to fill the silence between them as the sun started to rise.

The sound of Alia's alarm clock startled her, causing her to wake up from her sleep and bringing her dream to an end. It took her a minute to realize she was in her room, still dressed in the clothes that she wore yesterday. The photos and items that she stored in her sacred purple box were scattered over the floor. Alia brought her fist to her mouth and raised her brows.

How long did I pass out for? What time is it?

Her alarm clock flashed the time. She squinted her eyes to read it.

6:30 AM. Damn it.

Alia groaned. She didn't have any classes today but she wasn't in the mood to do anything either. There was this sluggish feeling that invaded her, sucking away all the motivation she had to accomplish anything for the day. Alia got up wobbly from the floor she slept on for over six hours. She walked over towards her bed, taking caution before placing one foot then the other. A small wave of disappointment filled her as she thought about the dream she had.

Did I really have to wake up?

She started fidgeting with a pink studded charm that was a part of her charm bracelet. Alia went to deep thought for a moment.

I guess...that dream is not even that close to reality...


hope you liked it!

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