A Friendly Update

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Hey there!

It has been so long since the last time I've been on wattpad! There's so many things that has happened to me since my last chapter of this series that I'm writing.

Firstly I want to apologize to those few readers who have been constantly messaging me and commenting for me to update Intersecting Paths. I didn't really have a legit reason for not updating. I guess I was just so absorbed with reality and my personal life that I started to feel that writing wasn't necessary in my life. I didn't just leave wattpad but I also deactivated my twitter and I just took a break from social media all together. There were also some ups and downs from my personal life that either prevented me from updating or just sucked the motivation out of me.

Eventually, after I managed to have some control over my life, I decided to return to social media. I don't use twitter that often but I do keep up regularly. I decided that I wasn't going to reinstall my app for wattpad because I felt like i had higher priorities than wattpad at the time. However recently someone tweeted me asking about if I was ever going to update Intersecting Paths and I was just really curious to see if people were still reading my story. Amazingly, people are actually reading Intersecting Paths and they are actually enjoying the series. I wouldn't have ever imagined my written work receiving over 1K reads while I was gone and the feedback was heartwarming. While you guys are reading this you may be thinking "well does this mean she's gonna continue writing?"

To be extremely honest with you his and myself, I really don't know if I can. There's multiple reasons behind my answer. Despite all the wonderful feedback I've received, I still believe that school, my family and friends are a higher priority and that I need to still maintain my time with that. Another reason is that coincidentally I'm actually going through similar things to what the characters in Intersecting Paths are. I kinda screwed things up between a friend and I'm paying the consequences of it now. So writing for Intersecting Paths won't be an easy thing for me anymore because it just reminds me so much between me and another individual.

I hope you guys can understand what I tried to say. However, I must say that just because I can't continue Intersecting Paths at the moment, it doesn't mean that I won't stop writing all together. I've been thinking about short story ideas to write about and whenever I have the correct time I will begin. There's really no other way for me to express how thankful I am for every single reader and person who had been anxiously waiting for an update you guys are truly awesome and I really do hope that you guys get the best in life. I'm not sure when will be my next update but until then take care.

- Nargis

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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