Destined for Greatness? (Chapter One)

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(WARNING- If you have not watched Voltron Legendary Defender, it's on Netflix, GO WATCH IT! I won't explain what every little thing is, so if you haven't watched it, you may get confused. Plus there might be spoilers...) (In addition, this story is not based around the original characters. They may pop up in the story, but you will not follow their story-line.)

(I would also like to thank @HerothekidSP, she's helping me out in this story and we will both be included in it as Hero and Raven.)

(Ok, let's do this!)

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Voltron used to be a story that parents would tell their children before bed. It told of five paladins, the defenders of the universe. Each piloted their own lion in which they could form Voltron, a huge--and may I add, awesome robot. It is loved by good and feared by evil.

The Leader of the bunch, Takashi Shirogane, or better known as Shiro, pilots the black lion, Guardian Spirit of the Sky. Originally, Shiro was an exploration pilot for the Galaxy Garrison. Along with his team, Dr. Samuel Holt and his son, Matthew Holt, he traveled to Pluto's moon Kerberos, which at that point in time was the furthest that humans had ever traveled into the universe. During their mission, a Galra ship, which had been scouting Earth's Solar system for signs of Voltron, abducted them and held them prisoners. Dr. Holt was sent to a Labor Camp, while Shiro and Matt were sent to become fighters in Gladiatorial Arena. In a bid to protect Matt, Shiro knocked him to the ground and injured his leg so that he would be sent to the labor camp with his father. With this action, Shiro created a facade for himself as a bloodthirsty warrior amongst the other alien prisoners and went on to becoming the reigning Champion, undergoing extreme physical and mental scarring in the process. His right arm was replaced with a weaponized Galra tech prosthetic capable of energy emission powerful enough to cut through most metals and weld doors shut. 

The most unstable yet most powerful of the group, Keith, pilots the red lion, Guardian Spirit of the Fire. Orphaned at a young age before enlisting in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith is some what of a lone wolf. He's considered to be the most talented pilot of his generation, but he refuses to live by other people's rules and instead chooses to carve his own path.

The brains of the group, Pidge Gunderson (Katie Holt), pilots the green lion, Guardian spirit of the Forest. Pidge originally joined the team to search the galaxy for her father and brother, but once she understands the larger goal of conquering Zarkon and liberating the universe, she realizes a goal bigger than herself. Pidge loves and understands all things tech and often finds it easier to talk to gadgets than other human beings.

The friendliest, kindest, and hungriest of the team, Hunk, pilots the yellow lion, Guardian spirit of the Land. Hunk is the team's mechanic and he's a naturally good-hearted guy who is quick to laugh at himself. He's got a goofy sense of humor and hates any tension withing the group. As the team's foodie, he's constantly assessing alien vegetables to gauge their value in his recipes.

Oh, yeah and there's one last one. Pilot of the blue lion, Guardian spirit of the water, Lance. Yeah...not much to say about him besides that he's full of himself, way too confident,  and thinks he's everyone's best friend, especially if they're cute and they're a girl. While his cockiness often gets the better of him, it comes in handy during firefights against bigger and better opponents. 

(Nah, I'm kidding--he's fun and quite enjoyable, I swear I don't hate him.)

All of this was just an old wives tale until it came true. I was just a kid when these five paladins were out attacking Zarkon. Now that I've grown up, I hear the stories all the time. They're still out there, watching over us. Each night I walk onto my balcony and sit and watch the stars wondering where they could be and why they couldn't save me from the trouble I was headed into.

In just a few days, I would be joining the Garrison. I didn't want to get left in the dust behind my two older siblings who had already been training and heading into the fields they were to pursue. Of course, I had to be the baby kid who always got left behind. Not anymore, I was going to do something great, I was destined to. Just because I wasn't born with greatness doesn't mean I can't earn it. I will, just everyone wait and see.

----- ----- A few days later ----- -----

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was too energized, too nervous to think about anything else than what today would bring. My mother was surprised to see me up and dressed early unlike usual. I normally sleep in past my alarm clock until she has to come barging through my doorway and yelling at me to get up. Let me tell you, I am not a morning person.

"You sure seem jumpy today. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Uh...I'll just take a muffin. Hey, mom?"

"Yes?" She looked at me kind of worried, probably wondering if I was going to change my mind on joining the Garrison.

"I love you."

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too. Now go kick some butt out there, you hear me? I want my daughter at the top of the list."

"You got it."

I grabbed my jacket and backpack and headed out the garage door to my bike. Since it looked like I had a lot of time to get to the main quarters, I peddled slowly and enjoyed the morning breeze. With the sun almost fully risen from the horizon and a light fog hanging over the town, I slipped into my fantasy world. I imagined myself finding one of the lions of Voltron in the forest that was just a few blocks from my house. Maybe I would catch a battle and end up having to save one of the paladins. 

While I was daydreaming, I almost ran off the curb with my bike. In an attempt to save myself, I swerved and ran into somebody else. I fell over and scraped up my hands. Even though my jeans looked fine, I could feel my skin burning with pain underneath. I rolled up my pant leg to find both my knees scraped up. Good thing there was no blood. I looked over to the person I had run over with my bike and quickly ran to help her. She had long brown hair that was held up in a ponytail. I noticed her hands were scraped up as well and went to grab a water bottle from my bag. I poured the water over her hands and apologized for running into her. 

"I'm sorry, I should've been looking where I was going."

"It's really not a problem." She replied softly. She looked at the ground, apparently shy.

I stuck my hand out, even though it hurt, and greeted her properly. 

"Name's Raven. Yours?"

She shook my hand and said, "Hero."

"Again sorry about this whole thing." I glanced at my phone for the time. "I really should be heading to the Garrison right about now,  don't want to be late."

I gave her an assuring smile and helped her off the ground.

"Hopefully next time we meet it won't be as catastrophic. See you around Hero."

"Yeah, bye Raven."

She turned and walked away and I picked up my bike and bag. I sighed and looked down to see a book that obviously wasn't mine.

"I guess it must be Hero's..." 

"Hey is this--?" When I turned the way she had started walking to ask if it was hers, she was gone.

"Well she ran off fast."

I picked up the book and stuffed it in my bag. I was sure to give it back to her the next time I saw her. Right now I had other problems. I peddled as fast as I could towards the Galaxy Garrison. I just hoped that I would get there on time. All I needed right now was to be late on my first day...

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