Does This Make Me An Official Cadet of the Galaxy Garrison? (Chapter Two)

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I was glad that I made it to the Garrison on time.

I had to peddle my heart out to make it there. If I was even a second late, they would lock the door on me and I'd have to wait a whole other year to join again.

I couldn't wait to start basic training. There was only one field I was interested in since I didn't enjoy any of the others. I was going to be a fighter pilot. My older brothers both went into the engineering field. They enjoyed fixing and creating things with their hands. Me? No. I could never do that. I would take too long to fix an issue. I'd rather fly. Plus I didn't want to be a communication specialist. I never had a way with words.

After I locked my bike up to the bike rack, I walked through the front door. The Galaxy Garrison looked like a giant maze. Downstairs, hallways branched off to classrooms or coffee shops. A sign that said Gym and Flight Training Simulator had arrows pointing to where each was located. Upstairs led to dorms, a library, and an observatory deck. People were walking around with maps trying to figure out where to go while others were in groups conversing with each other.

I walked up to the main desk where a lady in a white and orange uniform sat, typing something on her computer. She had red hair that was up in a bun. I wondered if I should put my hair up too. I cleared my throat so she knew I was there.

"Um..hi." I started. I looked down to see she had a name tag. It read Sasha G.

She spoke with a soothing voice. "Good morning. Can I help you with something?"

"My name's Raven Hall and I'm new here...I was wondering if you could tell me where I'm supposed to go?"

Sasha pointed towards a hallway to my left. "Head down that way and there should be a classroom that reads A1 009. It's one of the biggest so you shouldn't miss it, plus your instructor should be waiting outside. Inside you'll be able to receive your uniform and more information about the Galaxy Garrison and what your training will consist of."

"Do you know where I could get a map?"

Sasha opened a drawer by her side and pulled out a stack of maps. She put them on her desk and handed me one. I rolled the map into a scroll and put it in my bag. I thanked her for it and walked down the left hallway she told me to go down. I found the classroom in no time and walked inside.

Cadets around my age were crowded around the room talking and making friends. Me, on the other hand, went and sat down in a chair. I just wanted to start training. I'll start making friends when I'm given a team.

After about ten more kids entered the room, the instructor walked inside and told us to take a seat and shut up. He introduced himself as Commander Ryu.

"Ok listen up! I'm going to call everyone's name. When I do call your name, stand up and come get your uniform. I will not repeat myself. Anyone who comes in tomorrow without a uniform on will be thrown out. Understood?"

In sync, everyone relied, "Sir, yes sir!"

Commander Ryu began to call people, usually by last name then first name. When he got to me he said "Hall, Raven!" I stood up and walked to him to receive my uniform. We stood facing each other and saluted, then he handed me a white and orange uniform accented with black and with two yellow bars resting on each shoulder, and a black belt. He also handed me dark gray pants and a pair of black boots.

I said "Thank you, sir." and walked back to my seat.

After everyone received their uniform, he began to talk about the Galaxy Garrison; why and when it was made, who it was made by, and how much of a privilege it was to even get near the building. I don't know why, maybe it was because of my excitement, but I actually took notes on what he was talking about. Maybe there will be a quiz about it? Either way, better to be safe than sorry.

After Commander Ryu's speech, he showed a presentation explaining each field available at the Garrison. It looked like I was the only one really paying attention to each one. If I wanted to be a great team member, I needed to understand each of their jobs. Again, I took notes.

At the end of the presentation, we were allowed to ask questions. One cadet asked, "When will we be put in our teams?"

Commander Ryu responded with, "The first two weeks will be basic training to build yourself and your character. At the end of the two weeks you will choose which field you would like to train under. After a month of training in your field and studying each of you, you will take flight training simulators with other cadets. I, and a few other commanders, will then decide which teams are best."

There were other questions asking about if we could change our mind on which field we wanted if we already chose one, or silly questions about if we would get to meet Team Voltron. Everyone laughed at the question, but I sunk in my seat and felt disappointed when the Commander gave the obvious answer, "No."

I wasn't sure why I felt disappointed, but it bothered me the rest of the day. I wondered if the paladins of Voltron missed Earth as much as we missed them.

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We were given dorm rooms, but for that night I went home. Since it was only about an hour away, I was fine with more biking. I also wanted to see if I could catch Hero the next morning to return her book.

When I opened my bag to pull out my notes, I had an itching feeling to also take a look at Hero's book. I had a small staring contest with it until I decided.

"One look couldn't hurt, could it?"

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