How Long Can I Hide? (Chapter Four)

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(Raven's mark

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(Raven's mark. Just so you had an idea of what it looks like...your welcome.)

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It took all the self control in me not to scream. I didn't want to scream just because it hurt like hell. I wanted to scream because of how insane everything was. Did Hero put a spell on the book and this was the consequence of reading her journal? Why did she have a picture that looked exactly like me!? The picture had my same exact dark brown layered hair, my same golden eyes, my same pale skin, my same nose and ears for crying out loud!

She said she was having dreams and visions. What does that mean? Is she some sort of psychic? My head hurt just thinking about it.

How was I going to hide this? There's no way I can get pass anyone without them asking what's on my wrist. There was no way I could lie and say it was a tattoo. One, I'm too young and two, it doesn't look like I got a tattoo. It looked as if I had been branded like a cow.

I opened my bedroom door just a crack to listen if Mom had gone upstairs. Nope, the T.V was on downstairs. I rushed over to the bathroom just down the hall across from my room. I reached the bathroom successfully and closed the door. I let out a sigh and got to work.

I turned the cold water on and ran my wrist under it. It was definitely starting to feel better. On the shelf next to the sink was a small first aid kit. I remember the brothers putting those fighting hand wraps in the kit since it could also be used if you had a sprained wrist. I began by wrapping my left hand because it was easier to wrap than my right. I then was able to wrap my right hand, the mark now not visible. My plan had worked, at least for now.

When I got back to my room, I made sure I tied the journal back up and put it in the very bottom of my bag.

"You satisfied now?" I said to only myself. I unraveled the fighting hand wraps and placed them on my side table. It was probably a bad idea to sleep with them. As soon as my mark was exposed again, I wanted to re-wrap it back up. How long could I keep it hidden? One day I was bound to slip up and people find out, especially Hero.

I shut off the light and climbed in bed. I prayed Hero would never find out and that I could just forget this ever happened.

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I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and took a hot shower. After I got out, I put on a black tank top and the gray pants from my Garrison uniform. I put my hair up in a pony tail while it was still wet, though, my bangs still hung in front of my face. I continued putting on the rest of my uniform and finished with putting my boots on. I didn't dry my hair because it could air dry while I rode my bike. I also walked over to my beside table to grab the hand wraps and put them on, covering the branded mark. Without waking my mom up, I ate breakfast downstairs and left a note that I went to the Garrison early. I made sure to take the bag with my notes and Hero's Journal in it. I wonder if I could catch her like I did yesterday.

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I didn't even have to get close to the street where I had ran into Hero to see her standing there. Was she waiting for me this whole time? She didn't even turn her head to look at me when I pulled up beside her and got off my bike.

"How long were you waiting here for?"

"Not long..." She responded. She then turned to me. "Did you happen to pick up something of mine yesterday?"

I hadn't noticed it earlier, maybe because I was in a rush yesterday, but she had complete Heterochromia. One eye was gold while the other was purple.

I realized I was staring and came back to my senses.

"Uh...oh yeah. When I turned to give it back to you yesterday, you were gone. I kept it in my bag in case I found you again." As I was saying this, I was opening my bag and grabbing Hero's journal. I almost hesitated to grab it at first when I saw it.

I handed Hero's journal back to her.

I guess she found it odd that my hands were wrapped up and asked about it. I tried to stay as cool and calm as possible. If I thought about the mark, I would freak out.

"Oh, you know..." I said. "Just getting ready for some fighting practice."

She studied my uniform and looked up at me. "First day?"

"Second, actually!"

I barely had time to register what was going on until it was too late. Hero quickly grabbed my right arm and began to unravel the hand wrap.

"I told you! I-" I was taken by surprise when I didn't see the mark. Hero was too. I quickly took my arm back along with my hand wrap.

"See? Nothing. What were you looking for?" My voice cracked on 'see' and I knew Hero could see right through me. Her gold eye, reminding me of my own, bore into me. I felt as if I was looking at myself criticize me for what I've done.

Thankfully, she finally turned her head to look at something else in the distance, then at the ground. She looked like she wanted to say something but instead just said "Sorry..." and began to walk away.

I wanted to yell wait and tell her everything that happened, but I barely knew her and I had somewhere I needed to be. No. I did know her. Or at least I felt like I did.


Surprisingly, she turned to me, her eyes startling me again.

"It's funny isn't it?"

"What is?" She asked.

"Our initials are the same, only backwards."

She just continued to stare at me. I wasn't sure if it was out of confusion or anger or if she just didn't know what to say.

"See you around Hero Rosa."

With that, I left her on the sidewalk dumbfounded. It was probably the stupidest decision I ever made, but at least I got something off my chest.

(The answer to your question in the chapter title is....Not long! XD Wow. Raven just can't keep a secret. I mean, what she shared wasn't that bad. I'm sure anyone could figure out Hero's last name without reading her journal. Plus her name was only on the first page. Now let's get to the interesting parts, shall we? Until the next chapter...<3)(This'll be fun ;))

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