This story has really long chapters I just ramble on I see a lot of people are doing a lot of the Dolan twins fanfic so I have decide to do one myself I personal think it's horrible but let me know what you think and yeah
the story its self is how...
Hi my name is Amelia Baker and I'm 15 and live in a country landscape in N.S.W Australia on a farm with animals dah lol You always sat alone at lunch and everyone was horrible to you beside you best friend Amy, One day a new face showed up, he was in most classes of yours. Do you get close or are you enemies.... Let's find out.
And before I start I don't know anyone named Amelia Baker I just picked out a name
Chapter 1 I woke up to the cow mooing and horses neighing and the dogs barking, I get up and walk over to the window and open the curtains I look down and there was my dog sitting looking at me howling signalling for me to get up, it's roughly 5:30am my parents were already up and dressed for the day I walked down from my room to the kitchen, I then greeted them then walked over to the sink and get myself a glass of water the I then walk back up to my room and went to my ensuite I then get undress and hop into the shower, about 5 minutes later I hop out I wrap a towel around me and walk back into my room and over to them closet and picked out some clothes which was the normal, a flannelette and a pair of light blue jeans, then I put on some sock on then I walked down stairs and got myself some toast then I when out the door and put my boots on and got to work. I started with the dogs I gave the some dry biscuits then the horses I walk over to my personal favourite, Sasha and said Good Morning to her, she was in foal so we had to be careful around her, I then walk walked over to my stallion and he just grunted at me, I put his halter on and walked him out to one of the paddock, I then did the same to the other 4 and made sure the stallions weren't near the mares paddocks. Next was the cows which were just standing at the fence waiting for attention cows usually do their own thing but I have trained them to be social with humans it was hard but I did it, they love their cuddles besides the bull he only cuddles with one person and that's my dad everyone else he ignores you can pat him but he just walks away, after I finish cuddling the cows I go feed the pigs they don't mind people they just don't like being touched so I just feed them and move on to the goats they don't like people at all they just see I have food and walk up get the food and walk away then I go and cuddle up with my husky Milly she is brown with dark blue eyes
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