Enjoy! ;)

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“Amethyst, you are revolting!” Pearl looked at her with disdain across the kitchen’s countertop.

In the small house, her slurping and gagging at the stack of flapjacks covered in motor oil was echoed and amplified. Luckily Steven was spending the day with Connie and didn’t need to bear witness to the act. What a disgusting role-model she makes, Pearl thought, and kept her arms firmly crossed.

“Mmphgrrraa?” she said between sickening, greasy bites. A large glop fell between her cleavage and stained her gem as she smacked.

“Ugghh!” Pearl rolled her eyes and stuck her nose to the ceiling. “Honestly, the way you conduct yourself is absolutely abhorrent. Why do humans even like to hang out with you?”

Amethyst swallowed and shrugged, “Eh, I dunno. Maybe cause I’m semi-relatable, instead of being a neurotic cupcake like someone I know. Besides, I make sure to clean up where it counts…”

“And where is that exactly? Certainly not that junkpile room of yours.” Taking up a cloth Pearl began to scrub at the offending marks off the tile island. It was everywhere.

“Hey! I told you I have a system in place. Do not fuck it up.” She rolled her eyes. “And no it’s not my room. I take good care of my special places. You know. My nether-regions?”

“Oh, please.” Pearl blushed slightly and turned to the fridge. “Such a place hardly requires upkeep. We have no use for those particular human constructs.”

“I do.” Amethyst scoffed. “Given how much I eat and drink I have to keep it clean. Vidalia’s boy really seems to like it. Hehe.”

“Ugh, and his friends too, I suppose? You’re such a whore, Amethyst.” She corrected an upturned milk carton and began to organize the fruit by ripeness.

“You bet I am. Wait…uhh…Pearl? When was the last time YOU cleaned down there?”

She froze and kept her eyes glued to back of the fridge. Dead silence claimed her and she didn’t dare take a breath.


“W-why does that matter? I told you I have no use for it. My uniform covers up everything anyways.” Her blue eyes darted back and forth and she began to march to the temple door.

Amethyst grabbed her wrist and yanked her back before she could disappear. “Ooooh, no you don’t! How long has it been? You’re the queen of hygiene it couldn’t have been that long…right?”

“Are you serious? It is none of your concern!” she sneered.

“Let’s see it!” Amethyst snatched up the cloth of her pants and pulled.

“Get your hands off me!” she countered and grunted, wrestling the fabric from her grip.

Determined, Amethyst shoved her onto the sofa and tore off her tiny shorts in one swift movement. 

A trail of liquid filth followed the arc and hung in long gooey trails from the article, decorating her hands in a pungent plasma. In an instant the nauseating smell of red tide hit her nostrils. Stunned, she weighed the shorts in her arms. They felt heavy and soggy, and the interior was a solid dark streak, coated in a shining congealed splotch that ran to the front and back, broken up only occasionally with a peach-colored hair or a generous glob of white and yellow smegma.

“UGGGH! It smells worse than roadkill!” Amethyst dropped the clothing and reeled. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! How long has it been, you sick freak?!”

“It’s been five-thousand years, okay? I forgot about it! What do you want from me?”

“Some fucking air-freshener would be nice, uggh!” Amethyst pinched her nose and felt the pancakes start to come back up.

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