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Chapter 9:Jazz

As soon as the doctor shot the needle I dosed off.

When I woke I was in Jason's apartment

"Oh hey the medicines wore off. " he smiled faintly.

''Why- am ...I here ? " My voice broke off .

"So... you got accepted to the school of your dreams eh.?"

"Yah but I don't think I can go. "


"Cause it would cost a lot of money rent, fees, travel, food."

"Well just work more over- times."

''It's not that easy" I snapped it was getting harder to breathe but I didn't let that show.

"Why not?"

'' Because I lost my job okay."

Jason coughed

"What about the dance classes you teach?"

"That money goes toward the ''rent'' of the shed."

"But you can't just give up on your dreams".

My head was pounding at the subject so I decided to drop it ."So I'd better be going home ."

"Nope" Jason stood up .

"The doctors said that you need to stay a place where someone will care for you".

I was so worried about Jason.

"But you can't spend all your time looking after me. You have stitches on your stomach who's gonna look after you. Definitely not me." I pointed to my ventilator. He sighed

''I don't care if I die. I want to make ...or at least contribute to make you what you wanna be."

So this is what it was like to have friends or at least someone who cares about you.

Chapter 10: Bye

After 2 days Jason let me go. When I got home, Denis was waiting for me in my house/ shed

"I thought you were never gonna get home.Do you feel better?"

"Yeah why?" I felt weird. Almost like I was gonna faint. My eyes felt heavy my head was spinning, the world around me was slowly dying out.

Once again when I woke up all I could hear we're the beeps and the blood dripping from the bottle to the pipe to my body.

''Oh abs,"he started to run closer to me, but the nurse stopped him.

"She's in stable condition.You can take her home just give her food.She's hungry." The doctor winked. The doctor was beautiful he had hazel eyes and gold hair.

Chapter 11: last

My scholarship expires in two days. I wasn't expecting to go since I didn't have enough money. But that changed when I got home.

"Here" Denis said as she passed me a stack of money.

"What... why" I was confused why would Denis give me cash.

"It's the salary I should have but never gave to you. You worked in my dance academy and I took that money saying it was your 'rent' to stay here its 4,000 dollars I hope it helps.''

"Thank" I said still a bit confused. As soon as Denis was gone I ran to the phone.

"Mm... hello " Jason's voice broke off.

"Hey... I'm going to San Diego "

"Hey that great congrats" Jason's voice was now full of enthusiasm.

" you wanna go celebrate."

"Un... sure."

I met up with Jason after lunch and we headed for a coffee.

"So... when are you leaving" he brought up all of a sudden when we were laughing.

I was still chewing on a soft sugar coated pretzel


"Oh so that just leaves us two days"

"Yeah" I saw my watch and stood up

"Listen thanks for the coffee and pretzel but I gotta go to get to the airport."

I paid my bill and left .


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