Chapter 4

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"Hey Claire!" I heard Andy ask as I got out of my car.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked him.

"What? Can't a guy say 'hi' to his friend without his friend assuming something is wrong?" He retorted.

Gosh he really was annoying.

"We aren't even friends." I replied making my way to our first class.

"Oh come on Claire, we both know you are dying to be my friend!" He told me following me to our class. I cracked a little smile at his comment.

"Whatever." I lamely responded before opening the door to the class and keeping it open for Andy.

What? I'm a nice person. Sometimes.

We took our seats and he took the seat beside me(no surprise there).

"Man winter just makes me feel all icky and cold." Andy started up a conversation.

"Well there are some good things winter has to offer us." I responded.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He asked.

"You get to make snowmen like Olaf and become best friends forever with him." I told him.

"You watched Frozen?" He asked me.

"Hasn't everyone?" I replied.

After I replied to him I noticed him move a little bit closer to me before speaking again.

"I never really pegged you as a Disney fan." He whispered as more people started to enter the classroom. For some reason I'm glad he moved closer to me because now nobody can hear our conversation and I kind of liked keeping this conversation to ourselves. It made me feel special; a feeling I never thought I would ever feel.

"Good morning class, today we will be working on a brand new topic on the..." Our teacher walked in starting the lesson for today which silenced my conversation with Andy.


Our class finally ended so Andy and I started up a new conversation as he walked me to my next class.

Andy started back the conversation where we left off.

"So Disney fan, since we have so much studying to do in Science, how about I come over and study at your place?" He asked me.

"Hmm, I barely know you, and I don't let strangers into my house so how about... no." I replied.

"Come on Claire, you know you want to. We're not that big of strangers anymore." He tried persuading me.

"For all I know you just want to lure me into a room all by myself so you can kill me." I told him.

"Oh please Claire. If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead."He said as we stopped in front of my next class. "Well, I guess if I can't come over, I will have to walk away now." He told me.

Slowly he took two steps saying, "I guess I will just have to walk away now." He repeated himself

I mouthed the word 'No' to him as he took two more small steps.

"Just walking away to my next class." He said once again.

"Still no." I stated.

He took four steps away this time then took two steps back towards me. Couldn't he have just taken two steps back? No, because then he wouldn't be Andy.

"Oh no it's 11:11 now, you're going to be late for class." He told me.

"My class is right here, smart ass." I replied.

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