Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten (Ace's POV)

What the hell is wrong with me?

Why was I so angry with Vic? I kept asking myself that, even though I already knew the answer and damn it all to Hell for the answer too. Ever since that night at Vic's, everything in my world had flipped upside down and it was driving me insane.

Why was it so hard now? I was older now, a father for crying out loud, a husband! I knew the answers to all life's problems- Well, most of them anyway. So why, why on God's green earth, did Vic have to come into my life and just screw it all up like this? I didn't hate him for it and that just made me even angrier.

"Ace, did I say something that made you mad?" Vic asked softly from beside me. I almost flinched at the tone of his voice. I had hurt him and I knew it, but it's not like I could contain the unwanted fury that seemed to course through me at the thought of Vic calling his boyfriend. Who was this Anthony guy anyway? Why was Vic so interested in him? He sounded like a suck up to me.

"No." I said at last as we walked out into the icy cold night. My breath came out in hot clouds, curling up toward the starry night sky as streams of dark clouds passed in front of the full moon. I shivered at the cold, feeling goose bumps rise on my skin, so I shoved my hands into my coat pockets before I dared to look at Vic.

He was looking out at the parking lot with a tired stare, his eyes hooded and red from crying. He was nibbling on his lower lip, his arms at his sides limply like he didn't know what to do with him. I couldn't lie and say he was ugly, even a straight man could admit that Vic was quite attractive. His dark hair was ruffled and messy in a way that was almost childish. His eyes were dark, almost black in the dimly lit parking lot. He wore a navy blue Columbia jacket, jeans, and a rather dull knit sweater underneath. His nose was turning pink from the cold and something inside me wanted to reach out and rub it.

Shut the hell up, Ace. I mentally cursed myself with a scowl. Vic looked up at me, lifting a brow in question as I cleared my throat awkwardly and looked toward where my truck was parked, Devin just climbing into the passenger seat.

"So, I'm probably gonna head home now. I'm really sorry about Rick." And I meant it. As a parent, I knew the choking, gripping horror of having your child in danger. I had that feeling when Danny had been in the hospital with a broken arm and when Devin had been hurt by that Alexander Tate kid. The crushing hysteria of questions.

Is he going to be all right?

What happened?

Why my child?

Will he die?

Is it all my fault?

They were questions that made any parent's throat tight with sobs. It took all our strengths to remain calm, and even then, sometimes it wasn't enough and everything just came bursting out.

I immediately remembered the way I had come around the corner to find Vic, only to have him smash into me. The look on his face when I asked what happened... Even now, I felt a painful ache in my chest when he burst into tears. The way he cringed and tried to stop himself, but the feelings just came pouring out like a waterfall.

I don't know why I hugged him, again. In fact, I don't know why I hugged him at all, ever.

He was a man. I was a man. He had a boyfriend. I had a wife. I had children. He had his nephews. It just wasn't right, but for some reason, it felt right. The way he felt against my chest. I only thought women could fill that space there, but Vic seemed to fit perfectly, resting his forehead against my chest and trying not to get my jacket wet with his tears. Why would you be that considerate if you were in so much pain?

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