Chapter 18: Why do you come into my life??

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I draped my jacket over JaeMin and went to the washroom multiple times when the surgery is still ongoing.  I looked at my watch. It is already 7 pm. This means that Jaehyuk has been operated on for the past 5 hours, that's a long time.


Man, I feel hungry but Jaehyuk is still in the operating room. But we are still humans, we need to eat right? I looked at JaeMin, she is still asleep. I caressed her cheek and got up from my seat.

That's it, I'm going to grab something to eat or I am going to faint. Jaehyuk is important but as parents, we have to stronger than Jae-hyuk.  To be able to take care of JaeHyuk, we need to survive first. So we need to eat no matter what happens, whether JaeHyuk is fine or not. 

I make my way to the nearest fast food restaurant that is in the hospital. There was a long queue in the cafe, as always even though it is in the hospital. Before long, it was my turn. The female staff greeted me with a smile. "What would you like to have, sir?"

I looked at the menu. "I will just get set 3 and set 8. Cafe latte and an Americano for drinks. Get rid of all the vegetables in set 8 and replace it with wedges, can that be done?"

"Of course, if it can be done. So no additonal order for set 3?"


"That would be 35,000won." I handed her my credit card. 

"Card please, I have no cash."

"Will do, sir...." She slid my card into the machine.

"Enter your PIN please, sir..." She pointed to the PIN machine where I am supposed to enter my pin number. I entered my PIN number and waited for her to give her my card back.

"Oppa, are you Infinite's L?" How does she know?? Is she a sasaeng fan??

 "No of course... A lot of people told me that I looked like him." I deepen my voice a little so that she doesn't find out that I am actually a celebrity. Not that I don't want to reveal myself, I am scared that she might be a sasaeng fan, a kpop idol's greatest enemy.

"Really?? But I am sure that you sound exactly like him. I am a inspirit you know."

"You are threatening someone if you carry on like that. Do you believe that I would tell your manager that you are harassing some random person?"

"Choesonghamida!!!" She immediately gave me back my card.

"That's the way to do things. Anyways, thank you for complimenting me."

"Please wait at the side. Your order will be done in a minute."


I woke up after feeling that I might fall over the chair. A jacket was on my body. It was Jung Myungsoo's. I looked around to find him, he's not here. Where did he go? Maybe he left a message for me? I took out my phone. There was indeed one message sent by Jung Myungsoo.

From: Jung Myungsoo

I am now buying food for you and me. Will be back soon.

I unknowingly smiled at it. Then I went back to my senses. I slapped my cheek. Why was I smiling?? Exactly why?? I thought that I hated him a lot. I heard the door being opened. I immediately stood up, placing my phone in my handbag.

"Is the operation successful??" I said with eagerness. The surgeon didn't smile, if it is not good news, it is bad news.


"Miss Goo, I suggest that you start preparing yourself for the worst. Although the patient is now temporarily out of danger, he is now too weak so he is placed in the ICU. As he is still a little child, he is at a higher risk of not being able to survive. If the patient doesn't recover, we might have the chance of switching off the medical appliances as he is now in a vegetative state. There is only a 15% chance that your son may survive. Discuss this well with your family." He nodded and he left. Even though the doctor was talking the whole time, I heard nothing. I was too shocked. My Jaehyuk in a coma?? No!! That shouldn't happen at all. He is still young, this shouldn't happen to him... I sat down on the floor crying. Life is too unfair. Too unfair.


When I went back, I saw JaeMin sitting on the chairs with tears dripping on the floor. There must be something wrong, isn't it? I walked closer to her covering my face with food that I have bought. 

"Don't come near....." She said when she heard my footsteps. I placed the packaged food on the other chair while I sat beside her.

"What's wrong? Did the doctor say some-" I got slapped on the cheek immediately. I wonder why.


"It is all your fault!!! Why do you have to appear in my freaking life?"

"What are you saying? What did the doctor say?"

"Don't pretend that you care about me and JaeHyuk. They are all lies. You are an idol and an actor so you are so good at acting. Why must you go away at this moment? Why are you not there to pick JaeHyuk up from school??"

She said looking into my eyes. "If you are there from the very beginning, JaeHyuk wouldn't be in an accident. it is all because of you, all because of you. If you had not appeared in my life, I would have led my life like any other woman in this world and not having to take care of a child that was not planned at all. Do you ever understand my feelings??"

"I know that I don't but I have been trying to fulfill those needs. Can't you see with your two eyes?? Oh, you don't as you wouldn't even look at me the whole time?? You said that I am an actor, that is merely my job. You are then the actress, if you work as one, I bet that you would get awards the whole time as your acting is so good."

"Talking about your true feelings now huh? This has to be exposed one day, if it gets to the media, everyone would hate you and your reputation would go down instantly"

"If I am in trouble, you are too as you are also involved. I would like to see who would be crying if it gets exposed to the public. You wouldn't even be able to walk down the streets by then. You said that you are going to move out right? Then move out. This is better if we don't get involved."

"I will, by the end of this week... Just wait for it..." She said throwing my jacket on the floor and walked passed me.

It Was All A Mistake...... / kim myungsoo (#5)Where stories live. Discover now