Secret Exposed

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                                                                           CHAPTER 2

       School had began but now the entire student body knew about what 'I' did to Ava and I was completely ridiculed. That evening of the first day back to school after the retreat I confided in Nana and told her everything that had happened. I watched as Nana shared the same sadness I felt after being betrayed by Ava. Walking slowly over to her bed, Nana outstretched her arms to me in an attempt to console me. I could feel her cold, tear-stained face as she held me closely to hers and whispered,"I'm so sorry I told you to confess. It's all my fault you got hurt and it's all my fault you can't be with the one you love..." she continued as her tears intensified to sobs that choked made her choke on her words. "Nana, it's not your fault I chose to be with such a bitch. How could you have known she would do that to me, huh?" I said in an attempt to calm her, then Nana turned to me and with a half-hearted smile said," I'm so sorry, but I'm sure you'll be fine without her, right," and I shook my head in agreement with Nana. We both laughed at how over dramatic Nana behaved and fell back on the bed, releasing a long awaited sigh...

      My life as I knew it before had ended- I was no longer one of the beautiful girls who excelled in everything nor did I fit in at volleyball practice. Everything was messed up, confused, but what hurt the most was seeing Ava laughing with those people who derided me. "Look at that bitch that think I would ever want her," Ava said while amongst the group at volleyball practice. That evening a scout from Korea came to observe us. Ofcourse I played my best, a scholarship would mean the beginning of great oppurtunities for me so I gave it my all. I was as close to perfection in every drill and demonstrated a healthy attitude to the sport and determination to continue playing. After practice the scout approached me and said he was interested, that I was everything the school was looking for and by the end of the term I could accompany him with my parents consent if I was interested.

      Later that evening I relayed the details to my parents and instantaneously they agreed, claiming it was in my best interest. That same night I called Mr. Woo and we made arrangements for my trip in a few weeks. Excited from the new found adventure, I went to bed happy for the first time in awhile and the thought of Ava didn't even hault my thinking; by morning I was sure I would never be depressed again or never have to see Ava's beautiful backstabbing face. 

     It was Saturday so there was no school. My cell phone rang, breaking the deep trance I was in. I rushed to see who could be calling, suprisingly it was Ava. "Can we meet for ice cream today at 'Chilly Moos', she asked abrubtly. I paused for a few seconds, then accepted the request due to the fact that I completely adored ice cream. 

      I found Ava sitting alone and I approached her hesitantly, while walking, I could feel every gentle touch from her body and I was a little sadened from the result of our actions. I sat down, she looked up from her blackberry and her expression went from excitement to concern. "Are you ok Amber, she asked, reaching over to touch my hand delicately. I pulled away and asked, " do I have a reason to be, you betrayed me and now have the audasity to ask me that." I lept to my feet reaching for my bag but she gripped my wrist and pulled me back down. "Please listen, it's not that I hate you, it's just that I couldn't let everyone know I liked girls. I mean they would never look at me the same, and to be honest I liked the attention..." I interjected, " so you sacrifised me for your own damn selfishness."  " Please understand, "I just didn't want things to change," Ava said hesitantly as she leaned over the table in an attempt to kiss me. I stiffened my palm and it connected with her soft, delicate cheek resulting in a sharp smack and feeling the warm, redness of Ava's cheek and my palm I desperately ran for the door. I could see the consequences of my actions begin to blur in my focus as I left without even looking back, the strong head winds abused my face and scattered my tears behind me... 

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