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(⚠⚠warning: broken English)

Taeyeon POV

Before I go home I go to school garden to found out who wrote a letter for me and why that person want to meet me

I walk slowly cause I'm kinda scare, I thought something bad gonna happen but I saw Baekhyun sit on a bench

Then I went near him and ask

"Did you ask me to came here?"

He nodded

"But why?" I ask with curious face

"Did you remember?" He ask

"Remember what?" I ask

"I was about to ask you a question when we are walking in a rainy day yesterday" he said

"Oh yeah, I remember that" I said

"Why?" I ask

"Actually.......... ....... ... umm, you sure you ready to hear what I'm gonna say?" He ask

"Is it bad thing?" I say to myself

"Yyes, I guess"

Author POV

"I LIKE YOU!!" Baekhyun said in loud tone

Taeyeon was very shock for what has Baekhyun said. Taeyeon don't know what to say.

"It's okay if you reject my confession" Baekhyun said in sad tone

"But why, why would you like a girl like me, I'm different than any girls, I'm not pretty, I'm am a nerd and......

Suddenly tear dropping for Taeyeon eyes

"And I'm always got bully by yoojung, not just her but almost all human on this school bully me, Tiffany, and seohyun"  Taeyeon said with a teary eyes

"Why can't they let us live happily" she said

"I don't need you to answer my question now" Baekhyun said

"Take your time" he said with a big smile on his face

"Wanna go home together?" He ask

Suddenly yoojung came near Baekhyun

"Oppa what are you doing here with this nerd?" Yoojung ask

Baekhyun did not answer her question and then he hold Taeyeon hand and go away left yoojung alone

"Hey how could you leave me alone" yoojung yelled but they ignore it


After a few minutes walking they reach their destination

"Thanks for accompany me" Taeyeon said

No problem, my house is just next to yours

Baekhyun was about to get into his house but...

"Baekhyun wait"

"What?" He ask nicely

"This is my answer for your questions earlier, I will say......

To be continue

How was it I hope you enjoy it bye😊😊thank you for the one who vote my story

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