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Italics = Writing

Underlined = writing

Bold and italics = talking and signing

"Hey, Chan ready for your ASL lesson?" Xavier smiled walking through his friend's front door.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He weakly smiled leading Xavier up stairs.

"You've been praticing your signs?" Xavier asked.

"Yes, X." Chandler answered sitting on his bed.

"Good." Xavier smiled, taking a seat next to him.

"Hey, X question?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah?" He nodded.

"I did uh... Research and learned there are three different types of sign language." Chandler informed.

"Yeah." Xavier nodded.

"How are they different?" Chandler asked.

"Ok so there are three different types of sign language. ASL or American Sign Language is typically used by people who are born deaf and their families and stuff like that. Also it's what normally taught in schools if you were to take an ASL class." Xavier explained.

"What about the other two? Aren't they taught in school?" Chandler asked.

"Not really. Since ASL is most common, that's what mostly taught in schools." Xavier explained.

"Oooh." Chandler whispered in awe.

"When you sign with ASL you're signing the basic idea of the sentence. You don't sign it word for word for word. You're just signing like what it means. ASL has its own signs, grammar and syntax." Xavier added.

"What about the other two? Do they have their own signs, grammar and syntax?" Chandler asked.

"ASL and PSE share the same signs for the most part. It's SEE that's different." Xavier explained.

"What's PSE?" Chandler asked.

"Secondly is PSE or Pidgin Signed English it's what ______ and I use. It's used a lot well by deaf people, people who become deaf later in life or people like you who are learning. Some if not most deaf people would understand PSE. PSE signing is less conceptual and more just plain English. It uses ASL signs and ASL grammar but spoken English syntax." Xavier taught.

"So you would sign it the same way you'll say it?" Asked Chandler.

"Pretty much." Xavier nodded.
"Last is SEE signing or Signing Exact English. SEE is used less than the other two but it's often used in teaching or like school. That way deaf kids can learn English grammar and syntax better. Also with this, some deaf people will understand and some won't. SEE signing really isn't conceptual at all it's really just English with your hands. It uses English signs, English grammar and English syntax. Do you understand?" Xavier asked.

"Still a bit lost." Chandler weakly smiled.

"Ok then. How about we use an example? Give me a sentence. Any sentence." Xavier challenged with a smirked.

"Ok... I'm going to the store." Chandler carelessly shrugged.

"Perfect! In ASL, you would sign store I go. In PSE, you would sign I go store." Xavier began.

Living in a World of Silence (Chandler Riggs x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now