Chapter 1 - An Old Story New

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An eery silence echoed through the tree's. They stood higher than mountains, towing over a shadowy figure running amongst the overgrowth.

It was a little girl, wearing a black hood over her head, and sprinting as fast as her legs could handle. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean; filed with wonder. A turquoise Shawl was around her neck and underneath her cloak was a beautiful, golden dress.

Her mind was filled with determination and anger, but her hands were shaking. There was no telling what would happen, where she was going or what she would do next. But one thing was certain, once she had made her choice there was no going back. She had to leave.

Only her quiet footsteps could be heard throughout the gloom and despair of the full moon. The forest was huge, it would be hours before she saw sunlight again, but she didn't care. All this girl wanted was to get away, she had to get away, it was the only way that she could finally be free.

The child jumped around on the floor, dodging branches that were underfoot.

However, when she thought that she was in the clear...BANG! A small rock was on the floor and due to the light levels it hadn't been noticed. Her head was thrown against the dirt knocking her almost unconscious, blood dripping from her scalp.

She wasn't able to speak or even move because of the amount of pain that she was in. It was all over, they had won. She was ready to give up, but then she saw a shadow coming towards her.

Closer and closer it came, until the blob turned into a man. He was tall, but was wearing a mask which hid his face. He stopped, looked down at the girl, and went dark.

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