Chapter 2

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A huge clap of thunder echoed through the room as Ren jolted out of bed, breathing heavily. Her long dark-brown hair hung down like a waterfall from her head.

"Look's like the storm's still going." She said sleepily. Ren rubbed her eyes before looking over at her alarm clock.

"4:30." She sighed realising that there was no hope of her getting back to sleep. Instead she picked up her favourite book ( coincidentally next to her on the bed after reading it for so long the night before ) and read it for about an hour.

At 5:30 she changed into her training gear, and went downstairs. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a black jacket. Along with a pair of black shorts and white converse shoes. From there she walked to the south wing to do a private skills session before the rest of her conrades showed up.

"Ah...come on!" Ren screamed as she punched a dummy. This was nothing unusual to Ren, she always believed that a good work out and training session in the morning always kept you on your toes.

"You never know what could happen." She said to make sure she trained as hard as she could.

About midway through her knife throwing practise, a knock was heard on the door, and a young boy walked through. He was 16, the same age as Ren, and just so happened to be her best friend. He was tall, with short blond hair and big green eyes. He had a few freckles on his pale face and was wearing a similar outfit to Ren.

Surprised by her friend's entrance, and worried there was an intruder, she turned around and threw one of the small, sharp knifes she had in her hand towards the door.

"You nearly hit me!" He exclaimed with a terrified look on his face.

"Dan, you know you shouldn't sneak up on me like that. I thought someone had broken in."

"I know I know."

There was a short pause, but it wasn't long until they both burst out laughing. It took them about 5 minutes to recover after the fit of laughter had begun. Ren walked over to Dan and held out her hand. ( He had collapsed onto the floor after their conversation ) He took her hand and she helped him up.

"Thanks Ren." Dan started brushing himself off. He flashed a smile at her, and she smiled back.

"Well, since you're here, you might as well spar with me. You ready for a beatdown." Ren told him proudly.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Dan thought.

"Of course I am."

He held out his fists to show a sign that he was prepared. They walked over to the mat and both took a stance.

"I'm afraid you'll have to fight each other later." A voice called from outside the door.

"Professor Layton!" Ren called. "What brings you to this part of the institute."

"I have a mission for both of you. Come down to the office immediately." Ren and Dan looked at each other with uncertainty.

"Of course professor." Dan replied trying to be polite.

Ren walked towards the door and peered round the corner, making sure that she wasn't within earshot.

"I wonder where she's sending us this time." She spoke curiously.

"I don't know, hopefully somewhere far away. I could do with some fresh air after being stuck here for so long."

"I agree, we haven't been on a mission in 3 months. It gets boring after a while."

"Yeah, this should be fun." Dan exclaimed happily. He eyes lit up at the thought of him lying on a beach in Hawaii, with seagulls flying overhead.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up Dan. There is still a chance that we may end up in a place not as sunny as we hope." Ren shivered at the thought of the icy plains of the Antarctic.

"You're right. Also, shouldn't we get going, professor can get scary when she's mad."

"HURRY!" Screamed the professor from halfway down the hall.

Ren and Dan ran out the door and sped towards the office.

"Oh god."

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