Day 5

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    "Get up, Karin!!" Ichigo shouted from outside my door. "It's Monday!!" I sat up and looked at the time.
   "It's already 6:45?!" I asked, running over to my closet and grabbing my school uniform. I quickly striped off my other clothes and put it on. I grabbed my briefcase and opened my door. Ichigo was just disappearing down the staircase as I shut it behind me. I ran downstairs and met Ichigo and Yuzu.
   "Just because you don't have to go to school anymore doesn't mean you can do what you want!" Yuzu was scolding him.
   "I've looked at the schools I want to go to and all of them still haven't answered my request!" Ichigo snarled back. "It's not my fault!"
   "Clam down," I said, grabbing one of the lunch boxes on the table. "Give me some rice, please." Yuzu slammed a bowl of rice on the table in front of me and I started eating.
   "Karin, give Toshiro his breakfast before you leave," Yuzu said, grabbing her briefcase and lunch. "Ichigo, do the dishes since you have all the time in the world now." Before Ichigo could answer, she ran out the front door. I finished my rice and took the tray with Toshiro's with my briefcase and lunch. I went to the clinic door, opened it and went down the hall. I stopped at Toshiro's door, opening it and peeking inside. He was still sleeping so I put the tray on a table next to him. I left his room and went out the clinic's front door to save time.
   "Karin!" Ichigo called from his window. "Don't forget the supplies Yuzu wanted you to get after school!"
   "I know!!" I shouted back. I ran down the street, knowing I was going to just make it to school. Just then I remembered Dad was home. I didn't even see him yet. I saw the middle school up ahead and saw kids still swarming the front. Just then I heard the bell ring and everyone started going inside. I followed, starting another Monday of school.

"Hey Kurosaki!" a brown haired boy shouted, catching up to Yuzu and I as we left the buildings front doors. I groaned and recognized the boy.
"Go away, Kuri," I said, turning away. I looked at Yuzu who was ever so slightly blushing. "I'm going home," I said to her. "You go shopping for dinner, cause I have to take care of Toshiro." I ran down the street leaving Yuzu behind. I didn't stop running until I saw the clinic up ahead. I ran inside and saw Dad sitting at the table with Ichigo.
"Hey, Karin," Ichigo said. He was hiding his and and was pointing towards the clinic.
"Hey guys," I said, walking passed them and to the clinic. As the door shut behind me, I noticed someone was in Toshiro's room it's him. It was Rukia and Renji's spiritual energy. I stopped at the door, wondering if I should interrupt them or not. Just then the door opened and I was face to face with Rukia. She and Renji were in their Gigi and were leaving Toshiro's room.
"Hey, Karin," Rukia said. "You have a visitor, Toshiro. He's all yours." Rukia and a Renji walked towards the clinic front doors and left. I looked in and saw Toshiro sitting up in his clothes. I walked inside and closed the door. Toshiro looked at me and then back out the window.
   "Hey, Karin," he said. "How was school?"
   "Fine," I said. "I'm sorry I ran out last night. It's just..." I stopped and looked away. "I heard Renji talking about how a Soul and a Human can't ever be together."
   "You heard that?" he asked, starting to laugh. "That was a joke. We all knew you were outside, so we decided to play a prank on you. I think it worked." I blinked twice before my anger exploded.
   "WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" I yelled. "THAT WASN'T A FUNNY JOKE!!!!!! YOU DISGUST ME, TOSHIRO!!!!" I opened the door and everyone else fell into the room. I glared down at them with total distaste. "YOU ALL DISGUST ME!!!" I stomped out of the clinic to go get my soccer ball from my room. I found it at the bottom of my bed with a few others and a pump. I grabbed the best one and headed out of my room. I saw Ichigo and as he opened his mouth, I slapped his face and kicked him in the shin.
   "Hey!!" he called as I stomped off. "What the hell was that for?!" I didn't answer and went out the front door, going to the soccer field. As I got closer, I saw a bunch of high school students. I groaned as I saw they weren't going to give up the field.
   "Hey," someone said and I turned to look at my friends. Kyoya was the one who spoke. "Where's Toshiro?"
   "He's not coming," I said, looking back at the high schoolers.
"Really?" Rin asked. "He would help us kick those guys off the field."
   "Let's do it ourselves then," Keli said. Yu nodded in agreement.
   "We can beat those guys again," he said. "We did it once, we can do it again."
   "We had Toshiro's help!" I shouted. They looked at me and I sighed. "Sorry guys. I've just been on edge a little." I turned away and started walking towards the hill I visited every day.
   "Where are you going?" Keli asked.
   "I have to go back home," I called back. I didn't hear them reply and kicked the ball a few feet ahead of me. I made it back to the hill and jumped over the fence, laying in the grass. I looked at the sunset and closed my eyes, sighing.
   "Mind if I join you?" Toshiro said above me. I sat upright and he sat down on the hill next to me. He looked at the sun low in the sky and smiled. I didn't know why, but I didn't let it bother me. I lay back down and he looked over me.
   "Why'd you come find me?" I asked, turning my head away.
   "I don't know," he answered. "I just felt like it. But you truly are one thing in my life I could never replace." Just then he turned over and got on top of me. I blushed and looked at him.
   "What the hell are you going?" I asked as he put his hands on my wrist so I couldn't move. "Get off me!!" I tried to move my arms, but they didn't really budge.
   "Calm down," he said. "Just close your eyes."
   "What?" I exclaimed. "Not when you're on top of me! Pervert!!"
   "Just do it!" he sighed. I looked at him and then closed them. I waited a little and then felt his lips against mine. I was shocked for a moment, but then let him. He broke away and got off me, sitting up. I opened my eyes, glancing at him. He was blushing and was avoiding my gaze.
   "What was that for?" I asked quietly, looking away.
   "I don't know," he said. "I just felt like it." I jumped on him and rested my head against his chest. Warmth. I hugged him tighter and he put his arms around me. We stayed like that until the sun finally set behind the buildings.
   "Come on," I said. "We should head back." We did and when we got back, Rukia, Ichigo and Renji were gone.
"You're late!!" Dad shouted, running over. He tried kicking me, but I ducked making him fall over. Toshiro looked at me and I smiled.
"Dad," I said, putting my hands on my hips. "Toshiro has been staying here with Rukia and Renji. Toshiro's hurt and I've specifically order him to stay in my room." Toshiro gave me a look, but I stopped him by giving him a glare. He then caught on and showed Dad his hands and arms.
"I'm pretty beat up," he said. "Karin is watching over me while I heal up."
"Are you two-" Dad started. I punched him and sent him flying into the wall.
"Don't you dare say it," I growled at him. "Now leave us alone!!" I stormed upstairs with a confused Toshiro behind me. The last thing I heard before I closed the door was Ichigo laughing at Dad. I had a Toshiro go to bed while I started my homework. I was up until 10:30 doing homework and when I shut my light off to go to sleep, Toshiro turned around to face me.
   "I don't get the World of the Living," he said.
   "Your still awake?" I asked. "Sorry if I woke you." I lay down on the futon and put my head on the pillow. "Well, go to sleep now."
   "Wow," Toshiro said. "So stern." I looked up at him.
   "Just shut your trap and go to sleep!" I snapped, turning my back on him. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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