Chapter 3

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Harry's P O.V.

The bell rang, signalling that first period was over. I can't believe that girl caught me staring at her. My god, the things I could do to her.

I was walking out of class looking at my paper and the map of the school to see where my next class is.

It's been so different since me and my friends have moved here from London. We still get female attention but in America, it's so alive and unique, I loved being somewhere new. Someday I want to go to Tokyo. I think I would really like it there.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was her. I don't know, something about her is just... different.

She smiled at me and I just smirked back.

"Hey, I'm Maritza, my friends call me Mar, I've never seen you around, you must be one of the new kids, right? " All I did was nod. I usually started flirting or something. Something. But this time it didn't happen. She looked a bit dissapointed but didn't really show it.

"Well, I don't wanna keep you waiting, but can you please tell me your name?? " She asked. 

"The name is Harry." I finally said. Her eyes widened a bit looking somewhat surprised. But she smirked.

"Well, Harry, hope to see you again." She then smiled and walked away. Wow, she was really attractive. I don't think she knew I had to go the same way as her to get to class.

I was walking in the same direction as her, but noticed the girls who flirted with me this morning looked pissed and were walking towards Maritza.

Well this doesn't seem good.

Maritza's P.O.V.

Oh my god, what do these stuck up bitches want!!!! They always find a way to waste peoples time and they don't say anything about it... well that's about to change.

"Well well well, look what we have here, its the little lesbian bitch." They all started laughing. Are you serious??? They come up to me and say that. 

"Are you sure you're not talking about yourself Katherine? " I smirked and she scowled. She grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me against the lockers which caught everyone's attention.

"I don't know who you think you are,  but you aren't any better than any of us. And you aren't good enough for Harry either." So this was about Harry. I just said hi what the fuck. I wasn't looking at her, I didn't need her shit. All I was thinking right now was 'Bitch please'.

I felt a hand come across my face. It stung a little, but I felt worse.

"Are you fucking listening you little cunt??? " Ok! I'm done, that's it! 

I kneed her in the stomach. She cried out in pain and clutched it. My fist came across her face. She was on the ground. I just looked down at her. Her mouth was bleeding and so was her nose where I only had a red hand mark on the side of my face.

"Fuck you... and your mom." She evily smirked. She did not just say that. I climbed on top of her putting my knees on one of each on her elbows. I held her shoulders down so she couldn't move.

"Listen you faggot ass motherfucker, you know my mom is dead, and using her as a threat isn't your best intention. Yet now that I think about it, you never do." She was now struggling to get out of my grip. I spit in her face and she stopped struggling. I got up and she was screaming in disgust, I kicked her in her stomach again.

Everyone rushed around her. But I didn't care. I tried to hold the tears back, I could think about my mom but when someone makes fun of her or says something that I find offensive,  I lash out or start crying. In this case, maybe both.

I felt someone hug me, I didn't care who it was I hugged them back and started crying. This was really embarrassing but this was my mom, she's worth more to me then anything. I would do anything to have her back, but I can't ... she's gone out of my life for good.

I looked up to see who was hugging me and it was Harry... not who I was expecting but I didn't care. He smiled and I just hugged him back.

"Thank you. " I whispered loud enough from him to hear. He squeezed me a bit tighter then let go. I wiped off my other tears, good thing I don't wear makeup.

"Well I'll be damned."I heard a voice. Another accent like Harry's but in a higher tone. I looked and it was another boy. I think it was one of the others I saw this morning.

"Maritza, this is Louis, Louis, Maritza." I smiled a little.

"My god girl, you can fight! " I laughed. I've never gotten into a fight before, ever, so I was surprised to hear that. Soon a few others showed up.

"Well I guess I have to introduce you to everyone else." Harry said. He pointed to the blonde one and introduced him as Niall.

The other one was almost as tall as Harry but not quite, he has brown hair and a small quiff and his name was Liam.

And the last one had black hair a huge zap tattoo on his arm and was referred to as Zayn.

"Hi." I said.

"What the hell happened???? " I heard a voice. We all turned back and it was the principal. Im in deep shit.

"You and you, my office, now!!!!" He pointed to me and Katherine. Well shit.

"Well, see you guys later." I said to all of them. "Thanks Harry." He nodded and I waved. Well, first day and I got in my first fight.

This will be fun.


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