Chapter 1

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Ah, another boring day. I looked through out the window, my palm resting on my cheek not listening to the teacher, Mr. Chan. Our History teacher, blabbering some things which I don't even care listening. Watching the scenery outside, it's very sunny today. Some students are playing soccer-baseball, some are slacking off and some are, well, just sitting around.

'I wish i could just sit under a tree and sleep' I said through my mind and groaned. What a perfect day. While my thoughts is flying around, the door bell rang. I was about to stand up when some familiar figure approached to me. I looked up seeing, Rose.

"Hey Jennie! What's with the gloomy face?" she said, I just shrugged. She's my bestfriend, Rose Chid Lee, which also happens my childhood friend. She knows everything about me, when I say everything, like everything. I pouted on the thought.

"Yah, what's with you? Let's go to the canteen, I'm hungry" she said, I stood up while collecting my things, putting them in my bag. While walking to the canteen, I saw some stares looking at our direction. I gave them back a cold glare, they walked away. Well, serves them right.

"Jennie! Can you stop being so scary? You're scaring them off! and please! Can you speak? What's the use of that freaking mouth of yours?" she said, she's only human that can do that to me. She's annoying but I love her.

"Yah yah, whatever. Let's just go" I said while rolling my eyes, I want to go to the canteen fast because I'm also hungryy, food is life. At the counter, I chose my usual food which is pizza and mango shake, while Rose chose the same, we sat at our favorate place in the canteen which is near the glass window.

"What's with you today?" she said, while eating her pizza.

"What? I'm in my usual self" I rolled my eyes while eating my pizza, it's beef and mushroom pizza, it's my favorate. It's yummy.

"Whatever Jennie, anyways I heard there's a new student!" she said it excitedly, have I told you that Rose is very noisy? Ughhh.

"Reallyyyyy?" I said with a boring tone, I already knew about that.

"Ughh, Of course you know. You're the c--" I glared at her and she stopped, smiling at me with a peace sign. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You're so mean Jennie-ah, Why don't just tell everybody that you're the d--" I cut her off again and shoved some pizza in her mouth.

"Rose, why don't you just eat some pizza? It's yummy right?" I said, and gave her a fake smile. She munched her food, and muttered 'evil'. I rolled my eyes, why do I keep rolling my eyes lately?

"Seriously Jennie? Why?" she said while eating her food.

"I just don't want to, and Rose, you know why. Stop asking when you already know the answer" I said, if you're wondering what we're talking about. I'm the daughter of the head of the School. I'm not proud of it and I don't know, to keep some troubles, I think.

"Whatever Jennie, someday people will know" she said, I took a sip on my mango shake, staring at my unfinished pizza, while Rose is blabbering some things. Then a group of guys entered the canteen, and made the whole students quite. I looked to their direction, because I'm curious. Yes, I am. I'm a student too. While looking at their direction, I smiled. 'Of course, it's him' our eyes met, and he grinned walking towards me.

"Jenjen!" he said, while grinning.

"Thanniee!" I said, joyfully. He's my bestfriend also, three of us. He's the only that calls me Jenjen and vice versa to his Thannie, He's Ethan Jay Lee, the campus crush. Really. I cringed at the thought, well he's handsome, caring and the guy that you want to be with, but I'm not into him.

"Why does your personality change when Ethan's talking to you?" she pouted, I just smiled. I don't why too, he's a happy-go-lucky guy. He was about to hug Rose but she spoke before he could hug her.

"Don't bro, I'm not in the mood" she said, but Ethan doesn't even bother, she hugged her tight.

"Oh come on sis! I missed you!" Ethan said while hugging her. Rose just made a bro-you're-so-disgusting-look.

"We just met in the house Ethan!" she shouted, Ethan laughed and looked at me, I smiled. They're twins, I wished i could have a brother like that. 'You have but never felt like it '

"Jenjen-ah!" he joyfully shouted, I chuckled at his cuteness. He hugged me tight, that I couldn't even breath.

"T-Thannie, I-I can't breathe" i said between my breathes, then he sat beside me, smiling.

"Sorry haha, I'm just gonna miss you Jenjen-ah~" he said cutely, miss me? Why? It made me wonder.

"And why is that?" I said while drinking my mango shake.

"Roseyy, didn't tell you?" he pouted, this guy. He acts like a kid, as always. While we were talking I heard some gossips from the other table.

"Omg, why is Ethan is so cute?!" the girl with blonde hair said. Reallyy maan?

"Why is Jennie acts differently with they are together?"

"When the three of them are together, it's just, wow" For goodness sake, that's why I don't want to tell them about me being the daughter of the freakin' school! I scoffed, continuing on the topic, which is asking Rose what's the thing she didn't tell me.

"A-ah, I f-forgot hehe. Ethan's is going to leave for a week because of my Dad" she said while finishing off her food. I looked up to Ethan who's pouting at me, I laughed.

"Come on, it's just a week Ethan. You can do it" I said while finishing my food too.

"You're not gonna miss me?" he said.

"No, Now go. I have a class to attend to" I said while laughing, I hugged them both, walking out to the canteen but before I could open the door, someone shouted.

"Jenjen, you meanie!" Ethan shouted, I looked up to him and made him more pouted when I smirked. Such a kid and I heared some noises 'awww' from the girls because of Ethan's actions. Really girls? I shrugged and walked to the other building because that's where my next subject is, when I entered the room some students are already sitting to their chairs, I walked to my table and sit there for a while waiting for the teacher. Minutes came along, the teacher came in, finally. But what made my eyebrows meet together because she's with a teenage boy, 'the transferee', I carefully studied him with my left eyebrow up.

"Hmm, he's okay" I muttered, while looking at him then Ms. Yoo spoke up, our English teacher.

"Goodmorning class, you have a new classmate. Mr. Song, please introduce yourself" she said, while putting her glasses properly then the guy stood up lazily and spoke.

"Hi, I'm Gin Song. Nice to meet you all" he said with a smirk on his face. Well okay, I'll take back that his fine, he's a jerk. I noticed that he's observing his new classmates then our eyes met, he stared me for a moment, I arched my eyebrow. 'What's with this guy?' my thoughts were interrupted when Ms. Yoo spoke.

"My lady? Ms. Kim?" I was interrupted by the stewardess talking to me. I'm spacing out. No, I was thinking of him, Ah memories. I smiled to her.

"Are we here?" I said while looking outside.

"Yes, my lady" she said while she made a bow.

"Okay, let's go" I said while preparing my things and getting out of the plane. Smelling the familiar air, and the sunlight that touched my skin.

"I miss this place" I said while walking to my car. By the way, I haven't introduced myself, right? I'm Jennie Phir Kim, the girl who's a mess.


Here you go. Chapter 1, sorry if it's boring. But more chapters to go and more messy roads to encounter! Sorry for the typos and grammars, sarangsarang!


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