~oO Coming Clean Oo~

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As we reached his house we went inside to his bedroom. We both sat down not knowing what to say.
"I have a question." Mason asked.

"Go ahead." I said.

"How come one second your perfectly normal then the other your just crying a lot." He said. I blushed really hard so he did notice.

"Well let's just say I'm an emotional roller coaster during the winter time." I said trying to hide the fact I was blushing so hard.

"Oh is it because of what happened?" He asked.


"You know I'm here for you right. I mean we barely know each other that much but like I said I feel like I've known you for a long time." He said slightly blushing.

"Yeah. How about we both get to know each other?"

"You mean right now? Uh okay." He said laughing nervously.

"So who should we start with?" I asked.


I opened up and told him everything from the bullying to my boyfriend leaving me for another girl and what I went through during this season. To all my flaws and wishes and my weaknesses.

"Oh god you've gone through a lot haven't you?" He said.

"Yeah I guess there are some moments when I'm perfectly fine then others when I just can't hold it in no more." I said.

"You see all I wanted is to feel loved to have someone by me to support me. Since my parents aren't here. That is what I always wanted since they died..." I said my voice getting shaky. "I guess you could say that is my most desired wish."

"Who knows there might be a guy out there that maybe cares about you and hated seeing you suffer."

"Yeah I guess if that happened it would be my winter miracle. Anyway how about you. Your turn to come clean."

"Well there isn't much to say I guess you can say I'm an open book. Life is normal for me. I have an amazing girlfriend that supports me a lot." Hearing him say the word girlfriend made me cringe a little I wonder why.

"But I do have insecurities I just think I need to be this all star person to get people to like me."

"You know you can be you and people would still like you."

"I don't know I guess."

"Anyway I think I should go home now." I said.
I never really liked going home. My foster parents weren't that nice. If they had seen me like I was earlier they would have gotten pissed and yelled at me.

"You sure?" Mason asked with a concerned voice.


"I'll walk you." He offered.

"It's okay really."

"Okay. Well bye." He gave me one last hug and I headed out. When he touches me I feel safe like I know he would protect me no matter what...

What are these feelings...

To be continued...

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