Sideline Character

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A/N: By the way for at least 3 chapters from here it may stay as Liam pov and then Zayn’s pov for at least. :D

Liam Pov:

I rushed from my fifth period. It was finally time for lunch. I walked down the staircase, surrounded by dozens of people. I made it to the back door of the school, leading to the second building where the lunch room was. Crowds of people rushed out the door. Pushing and shoving, ‘excuse me’s echoed throughout the halls. Making my way through the door, I was pushed left and right. People were pushing past me, their shoulders brushing and banging against mine. My balance was knocked over, and I fell to the ground.  Nobody bothered to acknowledge me. Their feet kicked against me as they walked. I began to sit myself up, before a hand reached out. The hand was tanned and had pen marks written on it. I reached my hand out not bothering to know the person. The person pulled me up quickly, their grip on my hand tight. I stood up and my body was turned back, the person behind me, never letting go of my hand and one hand on my waist pushing me past the crowd. We made it through the crowd and made it to the open space between the two buildings. I turned around quickly, wanting to know who this person was who practically saved me from being trampled.

“Thanks” I said, keeping my hand in theirs looking down.

“No problem.” They said. I looked up to see Zayn’s gorgeous teeth show from between his lips. I looked back down at our hands still entwined then looked back up at his face. His other hand was still laying on my waist, not seeming as if it wanted to move. I felt the heat rush through me. I saw a slight blush on his cheeks. They were a sweet light pink. I caught myself staring into his hazel eyes. Although, his eyes were staring right back at mine. Neither one of us moving nor speaking. He began to lean towards me. His lips coming closer and closer to mine with every second.

What do I do? Do I take what he’s offering or not? This doesn’t feel real. It’s too good to be true. No, this isn’t real, and if so then what’s going on?

His lips were inches away from mine when I cleared my throat. I untangled my hand from his and began to walk back slowly.

Something was off. Why was he suddenly attracted to me after these years? He was leaning in.

I turned and ran. I didn’t know where I was running. I saw a large tree just outside of the school campus in a . I pinched my arm quickly.

Shit that hurt. So..this isn’t a dream.

 I leaned my back against the tree bark and pulled my legs to my chest laying my head against my knees.  

What just happened? Did I just mess up the only chance I got to kiss Zayn?

Tears began to fill my eyes.

I so confused. Does he like me? Was me and him walking together and finally talking supposed to be flirting? What going through his head! One minute he was being friendly and walking with me, the next he wants to walk again, and then suddenly he leans in to kiss me. I don’t even know if he’s gay.

A hand touched my knee and my head sprang up. Tears were already falling from my eyes. I looked up to see Zayn again. I jumped up on my feet as quickly as possible. I began to walk away as he stood up. “Liam!” He called out. I ignored him. “Liam!” I began to run. I couldn’t handle another confusing moment with him. “Liam!” He shouted in anger. His voice was in anger and desperation. He ran up to me grabbing my shoulder to turn me around. He successfully turned me around, but I shouted.

“What!” As loud as possible. He stumbled back, shocked at my voice. He regained his balance and began to speak.

“I’m sorry…”He trailed off. His voice from loud and his eyes beginning to become watery.

“For what!?” I shouted. “For playing me like a pawn!? You’re so confusing. Why can’t you make up your mind!? You always go from my acquaintance to a friend, then you just confuse me-“

“I don’t know Liam! I’m confused!” This was just a shouting match.

“What are you so confused about!? All you have to do is-“

“I don’t know what I think of you! I can’t say, this all just too much.” he began to walk backward from me.

“Zayn!” I shouted. my shyness wasn’t here anymore. He kept walking. “Tell me! What do you think of me!?”

He began to hesitate on his words. Slowly picking out which ones will fit the best, but it was clear what he said. “You're nothing, a…nobody.” He said whispering the ‘nobody’. His words were clear. Ive been wondering what he has been thinking of me for all these years and I finally get my answer. I stood there shocked at his words. More tears falling from my eyes. I fell back to the floor, resting my body to think as he ran away. I watched him run. His steps awkward and uneven. He ran back to campus. I laid there, letting my tears drop to the grass.

I guess it’s clear that all I am to Zayn is a nobody. A person with no purpose, someone with the no reason to live. I wasn’t important to him. Just a sideline character.


Ugh the feels hit me in this chapter. I hope most of this makes sense and didn’t go from one thing another too fast. If there are any mistakes, sorry. Its 1:00 and im tired. It took me about an hour to make this. :/ the next chapter will be up soon enough. :D Thanks For Reading!!!!

@Ziam222 -This is for you at your grandmas :)

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