James:(slams Sal up against car) You
ungrateful bitch!
Sal:(looking at James with fear)
James: get in the car!!(pushes Sal)
(At home in the bedroom)James:(backhands sal) you stupid bitch!! You think you can get away with stuff and I always find out you try to leave and I always find you. Now no one will find you.
(2 hours later)
Narrator:Sal, was beaten to a pulp. The night he was murdered by James dean, his husband.
Sal:(screams) Dean, Stop!!!
James:( slaps sal)
James: I'm tired of putting up with your bullshit!!(slaps sal) so tired. (Picks up knife)
Sal:(whimpers) dean, please....
James:( stabs sal)
James:(stabs sal over and over)
Narrator: James or should I say dean stabbed sal 18 times all in the arms and stomach. Sal didn't know his life would end fatally that night on February 12,1957 at just 17 years old turning 18 on June 23.Before Death- 13-15 years old
Same year died-16-17 years old 1957