Chapter 1: The Gym

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Jessica's POV

“Jessica, your friend Hannah is here,” my mom yelled bright an early that day, well it was 11 am, but I still didn’t feel like I wanted to get up.

“Jessieeeee, get your bum up we are going to the gym! Listen, I know you and Jake had a rough split, but its been two weeks, you need to start to move on, and being your great best friend, I am going to help you, so get up!” Hannah said as she dragged me off my bed. 

“Alright, alright!! But, the gym? Can’t we just go get coffee or something? I used to go to the gym with......” I told her while changing my clothes. 

“No, come on, you used to go everywhere with ‘him,’ just because its over does not mean your life is over. We are going to find you a guy, and who knows, maybe I will find someone, too! Anyway, you are coming and I am not taking no as an answer” Hannah told me smiling in a creepyish way. 

I laughed and said, “Ok Hannah, you can go downstairs, I’ll get ready grab a bannana and meet you in the car.” 

“Ok Jess,” she said as she left the room and down the stairs.

I ate my banana and filled my blue water bottle with some water as I headed to Hannah’s car. I gotta say it was nice to get out of the house, I’d been home pretty much every day these past two weeks. Getting over Jake was hard, I mean we were together for two years. I never thought he would cheat. But whatever I am a strong girl, right? Anways, we got to the gym finally, and I headed to the treadmill, and Hannah and I worked out together.

“See Jess, doesn’t it feel good to be out of the house? And what better way to spend your afternoon then getting back in gym. I am such a good friend, gosh,” Hannah said in between breaths as she was still running. 

“Hannah, don’t flatter yourself too much haha. But, yeah thank you. Gotta say, this does feel pretty nice,” I told her.

“Yeah and you get to see some new guys,” as she pointed to the group of guys lifitng weights. After she pointed, I saw one of the guys turned his head over. I quickly turned the other way and told Hannah to put her hand down. She did, and a couple minutes later, the guy with the curly hair, who looked oddly familiar came over to our direction. I don’t know where I have seen him before, but he did look familiar and he had these bright yellow neon shoes that stood out compared to the other 4 guys he was with. 

“Oh my god, Hannah... He probably thinks we are creepers!! Gosh, what are we going to do?!?” I said nervously and shook my head. 

“Um.. hello. My friends and I are not from here, I was wondering if you know any place we can go to get some coffee, like a Starbucks?” the curly haired fellow asked Hannah and I.

Oh thank God, he must have not really seen Hannah and I staring. Good, good, and he is pretty cute, gotta admit. “Yeah there is a Starbucks close by. My friend Hannah and I are going to go soon too, I guess you guys can like follow our car there?” I said, as my hands were kinda shaking, I didn’t know why.. and did I just say follow? God I hope he does not think I am weird. Okay calm down Jessica... 

“Yeah that’s great, I am Harry, by the way, nice to meet you” he said as he raised his hand to shake mine.

Did he just say Harry... no wonder he looked familiar. He was that guy from what was that band.. One Direction? Yeah! Wow well great... this is going to be awkward. 

“Oh, I am Jess- Jessica. Nice to meet you, too” I said as I took his hand. His hand was huge.. compared to mine. Hannah shook his hand, too and then we went to our car as Harry and the other four guys followed. While we were in the car Hannah and I were freaking out, well her more than I, she knew more about them than I did. 

“Oh my God Jess!!! He totally likes you, he could have gone up to anyone or just used his phone to find a Starbucks, but he came and asked YOU!” Hannah screamed as she was driving.

“Calm down Han, we have to keep calm so they don’t think we are crazed fans! He is cute, that Harry,” I smiled and said.

We got to the Starbucks, and I was so nervous. This was it, I think when I spoke to him, I didn’t even think one moment about Jake. 

“Ok Jess, lets go have coffee with One Direction? Can’t believe I said that,” Hannah said, she could not stop smiling, and I mean that. It was kinda creepy haha.

“Alright Han.” I let out a sigh and said as I was about to come out of the car before Harry appeared and opened my door.


Hey guys! This is my first story I have written. Please let me know if you like it so far (: I will be updating regularly! So check often! Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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