Chapter 7-The Rescue

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"Alice!" Blaize pushed through the petrified kids, searching his eyes over the crowd to find her. His heart was racing, but since he didn't have the suit on, they wore wristlets to monitor their vitals. His popped up as a holograph on the top side of his palm. "Damn it.." His mouth muttered the words as he was trying to calm himself down. He had no idea where Alice went off to or why the strange men suddenly left their camp site, but they left it in shambles. Half of the wall was torn apart and burned to the ground while the pitched tents toppled over. Supplies and raw food were scattered over the ground, making it no good to eat. However, they managed to leave everyone with only minor injuries which was even more suspicious. What did they want?

"Clarks." Blaize whips his body around in hopes to see Alice standing there behind him, but it was only Declan. Declan was covered in his own blood from being hit over the head, his suit was projecting a high heart rate as well as a warning for a concussion.
Declan wiped his sweaty hand over his pursed lips to pull some of the blood away and shake it to the ground. "Alice is gone." His words sputtered out breathlessly, almost in shock from the traumatic event. He stumbled over to Blaize to walk past him in to the air craft. "I think they took her."
Blaize's anger was becoming evident by the rushing color of red falling over his face. "Damn it!" In an instant, Blaize balled his hand in to a fist and slammed it against the side of the craft wall. He followed furiously after Declan. "Well we have to gather people to go after her!" His voice was shaken and frantic, but he was already packing supplies from the craft to leave.
Declan was opening a first-aid kit, telling a nearby girl "Gather the wounded and bring them in to the craft. We need to help the injured." The scared girl nodded and ran out to help the others. Declan was tending to his head injury and sighed.
"Ar-are you not listening to me? Declan we have to go now!" Blaize was stuttering his words, growing even more anger when Declan deliberately ignored him. Declan turned around while holding a peice of gauze to his head.
"Clarks..ow." He groaned in a slight pain and averted his eyes from Blaize. "I know she's your girl, and I know you want to save her but we were just attacked by who the hell knows what. You guys barely made it back alive from the wolves. Not to mention that James is dead and then all of a sudden we have weird fucking creatures destroying our camp. We can't survive out here. I'm sorry." By this time, Declan was growing in anger from the loss of control in the camp and the loss of one of his good friends. He was worried about Alice too, but she was gone and they have no idea where she was taken to. It's not even definite that shes still even alive.
Blaize gripped a shoulder bag in his hands, staring at the floor of the craft in response. "I don't give a fuck about what you say Declan. I'm going after her with or without you, and I'm going to bring her back." Blaize's deep chestnut eyes lifted up to look at Declan. They were filled with anger and fear, but he wasn't going to let anyone stop him.
"Clarks do-" Declan grabbed his arm to refrain him from leaving.
"Get the hell away from me." Blaize pushed Declan in to the side wall and storms off to the entrance of the camp.
"Hey wait up!" A loud shrill made Blaize stop in his tracks. He cocked his head to the side and turned slightly to see a tall red-head standing with a bag slung over her shoulder. "I'm coming with you." She stepped forward, but Blaize raised his hand.
"Freya, right?" He began to laugh softly and turned to walk again. "Doesn't your brother need you to help him recover?" A small, fragile yet strong hand gripped his forearm to stop him.
"Why the he'll must everyone touch me?!" He turned his head to see Freya staring directly in to his eyes.
"She helped save my brother, now it's my turn to return the favor. Back at camp Wilkers I specialized in ground training. I can be of use unless you want to get killed the second you get out there." Her thin eye brows raised at him, taunting him slightly.
Blaize pursed his lips, looking at the annoying girl. If she was trained like she said she was, maybe she can help. Blaize quickly rolled his eyes and yanked his arm away. "Fall behind and I leave you." Blaize pushed his gun he had wrapped around his shoulder to the side to unclip a hand gun. He tossed it to Freya and smirked, "I hope you know how to use that."

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