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The cold wind hit me as strolled the streets. My eyes laid upon a quaint café that was connected to a little library. Wrapping my hands around the handle to the clear glass door, scents of coffee wafted throughout the warm room. A large table erupted in laughter as they studied something on their phones. I recognized the boy holding the devise as the one who knocked into me in the hallway of the dorm rooms. He had emerald green eyes and short brown hair that was slightly swept to the side. He was quite attractive actually.

Lilah, you didn’t come to England to crush on a boy. Get a hold of yourself.  

I walked pass the table and towards the cashier. She was young, probably my age, with long brown hair and a friendly smile. Her nametag said “Lacey.” I skimmed the menu, instantly finding something I loved. 

“Hello, I’d like the small mocha, thanks,” I said kindly.

“Coming right up. Are you touring here?” she asked incredulously.

“No, actually, I go to university here.”

“Me too, I go to Cambridge.”

We continued making small talk, considering the fact that there was no one behind me and she was just about to go on break. She told me where her dorm was and, surprisingly, it was really close to mine. 

“So, what made you want to come to a university so far away from where you live?”

“Long story,” I replied with a sigh.

“Have you unpacked yet?” she said, aiming to change the subject.

“Psh, not even,” I waved off. “I'm way too jet lagged for anything that requires energy.”

I excused myself to throw out my empty coffee cup. When I felt a presence next to me, I instantly regretted turning around.

“Are you following me now?” The boy from the hallway wore a cocky smirk.

“Never in your wildest dreams,” I shot. 

“Can’t take a joke? Come on, relax a little.”

“Easier said than done,” I thought.

I scoffed as I walked away. I really don’t need this right now. Mouthing a “see you later” to Lacey, I exited the shop. 

“Looks like we’re going to the same place,” The same boy winked, “I never caught your name.”

“It’s Lilah,” I said as we entered the university and walked toward the elevator to level 12.

“I’m Hunter,” his voice rasped, “Why do you seem so urgent to get away from me?”

“Why do you yearn to speak to me so much?”

The elevator doors opened and we walked down the hallway. Words were unspoken and the sounds of our footsteps emanated though the empty hallways. Hunter seems like another one of those cocky jerks and I'm beyond done with arrogant boys who think every girl will fall for them immediately.

I stopped at my dorm, ready to pull the key out of my pocket. Maybe my roommate has finally arrived by now.

“This is your dorm?” Hunter said surprised.

“Yeah, and?”

“Mine is right in front of yours,” he replied with another one of his infamous smirks, “this will be fun.”

“Woohoo,” I sarcastically responded. 

“Live a little,” he mumbled before going into his dorm.

What’s that supposed to mean? Live a little. Okay, maybe I was a tiny bit  bitter. Fine. A lot. 

Come on Lilah, new place new personality.

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