Paper Dolls [Chapter 17, Another Hospital Trip]

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As me and my mum neared the bridge we saw her she seemed to freeze and tense up, her body trembled and slowly descended. I ran towards her but it was too late, her head smacked the bridge. I couldn't get to her fast enough, her blood fell through the planks on the bridge, spilling through. I heard a scream, it was my own, I fell to the ground and my vision blurred.

I woke up with a scream, sweat running down my body, breathless I look and see I'm in the hospital waiting room, it was a dream, but really it wasn't.

Ms May
She's not okay
Fix her
It's not that simple
Yes it is. Fix. Her
We can-
m'am calm yourself

I walk towards her rooms direction, doctors grabbed at me and nurses blocked me but I shoved through.

"CHAR!" I screamed getting tackled
"CHARLOTTE IM COMING PLEASE BE OKAY" I shriek as I fall, I hear a crack in my body and I'm held down by many people

I let my eyes roll back and everything is dark

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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