One year later...

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It's been...about a year since all this craziness started. My friends and I saved the universe. Guess I should be happy right? Then why do I are job isn't done...I's been a whole year right? Maybe that dark energy that came out of Blackout The Midnight Assassin hit something else. Maybe Dan was wrong? Maybe that wasn't the direction of Earth that the energy had traveled? There hasn't been any reports from our scouts of any activity that could be related to dark energy. Because it would be very easy to find that out. Dark energy is not energy more as thing. It acts like a parasite, corrupting the mind and soul and making its host's biggest personality traits even bigger, and twisting them into something evil and sick. If we had found anything that sounded like this we would have sent our team out to deal with it. And no, I don't mean "kill" the host. I mean purify them. With light energy. But we need to do so quickly because if we don't do it before it's too late...then it won't be as simple...I don't know why I'm so worried about it though...we have a much bigger team now. I forget how many people have joined us after finding out that they too have the same special powers that we do. Originally there were only 6 of us. Matthew, Alex, Nelson, Emanuel, Taylor, and myself. We are seen as the elites. We go by the name "The First Guardians squadron". Each of us help other people who have these powers, depending on what kind of powers they have, they get put into different..."classes" I guess you could call them. So far, no one else has gained light powers. So I, Logan, am usually helping my friends train their classes. Either that or I'm in the workshop with Matthew, working on new defences and weapons. Our parents found out about our little "adventure". It was kinda obvious when I came home with Dan, who's eyes were literally glowing purple. He helped me explain what was going on to not only my parents, but everyone else's. Now, this is Dan's job. To explain to the parents of the rest of our "Guardians in training"about what their child is capable of and why. Other than our trainees and their parents, nobody else knows about "Justice United". That's the name we chose for our "little organization". Outside of the base(or as many of us call it, "The Matt-Cave".)we live normal-ish, average teenager lives. (The age range for our organization is no higher than 18 years old and no lower than 8. So far nobody outside this age range has gained Guardian powers.) Sometimes, I wish that I could go back to before this all I didn't have to live in fear of the threat that may or may not even exist anymore. I can stop and rewind time...but I can only go backwards in time when time is frozen. If I try to go too far back...then I end up in present time again. But if I could go back in time to before this chaos started, I would. If I could go back and save Cogitari's(Dan's grandfather and the former head librarian of the Hall of Draco) life, I definitely would. But I can't. Because I have a job to do. I need to protect Earth, even if the danger no longer exists. And that, is a pretty stressful job.

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