Gotta keep my promise...

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Raven: You know, on the first rant, I said I'm gonna continue it later. Right?

Izuru: Yeah. Purrrr......

Raven: So Izuru, last time we cleared the question about why you ask questions, right?

Izuru: Purrrr........ Don't take me off your head.

Raven: okay. So, today we are clearing the question about why you do not show your emotions or all your talents.

Izuru: I don't care. Meow.

Raven: ugh. So, if you are the ultimate hope you are supposed to have all the talents.

Izuru: yeah.

Raven: So doesn't that mean you are the ultimate emotional wreck?  Izuru? Izuru? Are you even listening?

Izuru: I love you and your head.

Raven: *Sigh* Oh great. 😑

Ask/Rant/Dare starring Raven and IzuruWhere stories live. Discover now