~*~Hey I know this is four days late. But Ive have a few bad past few days. Thanks for supporting this story. I hope to have the next upload this friday! Please dont forget to vote/comment/like!
Love always
~One more thing, please stop harressing me on when Im updating or that Im past the day I said I would update. Or yelling and being rude cause its not updated yet. It doesnt get me to want to update any faster. As matter of fact, it makes me not want to update. Please remember, I am a single mom with a 2 year old daughter who is going to have surgery next tuesday. So please give me some slack and stop harressing me. I am trying to get with the schedule. But it may be a day or so after the schedule day before I get it up! I appreciate every single reader and fan I have and I love you ll. But please understand if I cant get it uploaded in time! Thanks guys!~
Chapter 4
I laid on the floor against the wall, just praying that he will hurry up and get this over with so I can go into my room to get away from him. My body began to shake as I cried harder, mostly from fear. I tried to curl up tighter but the pain inj my side prevented me from doing so. All I could think about was how different my life had changed within less than two years. How did my life end up like this? What did I ever do to deserve being treated like this? I knew the answer to that question instantly, I killed my own mother. Maybe I shouldn’t have been born, that way my mom would still be alive. It was my fault she was gone, if it wasn’t for me she wouldn’t have been on the road that day, rushing to get to me. She wouldn’t have gone to Tennessee, worrying about picking me up on time. It’s a horrible thing when a child kills their own mother.
I began to sob as the last sentence ran through my mind. I hadn’t notice that Justin hadn’t hit me again until I realized I wasn’t in anymore pain besides my side. I thought he had decided to leave me alone but I was wrong. Justin suddenly grabbed my forearm again as I felt the pain shoot through my whole arm. He picked me up forcefully to my feet, making me look at him with tears pouring out of my eyes.
“You will give the truck back. Do you understand me?” He spoke quieter but his voice frightened me and I nodded.
“You will not be leaving this house for a long time.” He shoved me towards the stairs as I stumbled along, trying not to fall.
“Get to your room. You can stay hungry until I decide you can eat again.” He informed me as I quickly ran up the stairs and to my room.
I quietly closed my door, afraid any noise would just set him off again and leaned back against it. I began to sob uncontrollably into my hands, as my body continued to shake.
My side continued to throb and as the minutes passed by, the pain increased more to where it was unbearable. I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself down but with each deep breath, a sharp painful stab would course through my side. I couldn’t catch my breath from crying so hard which kept making the pain worse as I was breathing rapidly. Even small little breaths made my side hurt incredibly. I had to calm my breathing down and just decided to bear with the pain and took a few deep breaths. I instantly grabbed my side, hoping that holding my side would somehow help, and went to my bed before I passed out from the pain. I carefully laid down on my uninjured side, having to curl my legs towards my chest. I wasn’t able to keep my legs straight is it pulled at my sides and again causing more pain for me. Fornately, the pain decreased a tad bit when I curled up but I just couldn’t stop myself from crying. The rest of the night I quietly cried to myself, trying to picture Jacob’s face to help me calm down. I saw his smiling that wonderful smile of his, it was becoming my most favorite thing in the world. Seeing his smile did help me calm down some, it slowed the tears that were flowing out of my eyes like a river and I was able to relax somewhat. Then I slowly drifted off to sleep, seeing only his smile in my head.

Vanishing Sun (A Twilight Fan Fiction)
Fanfic~Warning- This story has abuse in it. If you can not handle reading about someone being abused then do not read~ Bella is forced to go live with her Aunt and Uncle in Tennesee while her mom travels for a job. Little does she know what will be ahead...