Chapter Five

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"What is Will's bike doing here?" I ask concerned. "Why are you asking us? Are we supposed to know?" Lucas says. "Well, he is like one of your best friends." You say making Lucas and Dustin glares at you. "He's our best friend, not our pet. I don't where he is every second of everyday!" You feel offended that Lucas would talk to you like that. "You don't have to yell at me. I believe you." Lucas shoves past you. "Doubt it." He mutters. "Lucas! What's the issues man? I get it, Will's bike is here and he isn't, it doesnt necessarily mean anything bad. So stop talking to her like that!" You blush a little. You feel joy inside you because Dustin stood up for you. "Well then, where is here lovebirds? 'Cause I don't see him anywhere? All there is, is his bike and that's not going to help us in anyway possible." You suddenly feel irritated by Lucas's behavior. You set your bike down and storm off into the woods leaving Lucas and Dustin stunned. "Y/N? Where are you going?" Dustin's calls out to you. "To find Will, since Lucas here clearly thinks he's gone missing." You say walking backwards as you go. "Well you shouldn't go alone." Lucas says making you think 'hmm, he really cares' "Then come with me."You say plain and simple." Lucas sets down his bike and goes down to go with you. "Guys, I don't we should." Dustin says looking up at the woods ahead and then at you and Lucas. "Don't be a sissy Dustin, come on or go home." Lucas say finally catching up to where you where you were. "Guys, wait up!" Dustin yells making you and Lucas come to a complete stop. You walk through the woods and come to a tree that particularly stands out to you. "Hey guys, come check this out." You call to them. "What's up, Y/N?" Dustin says with Lucas coming up behind him. "Whoa! What is that?" Lucas says backing away. "I don't know but, I think Will is in there." You say crouching down. "Hold my bag," you say taking it off your back and handing it to Dustin. "I'm going in." Dustin and Lucas hesitate and try to stop you but you put your foot down and when that happens, there's no stopping you. You crawl through the hole and on the other side is like a parallel universe. "Whoa." You say getting up from off the leaf covered ground. "Will! Will!" You call walking around. "Wi-" Then you see it. A monster without a face eating some sort of garbage pile. You back away slowly and of course, you step on a branch. The monster turns around and you can't help but scream. You run away as fast as you can trying to find the hole where you came in. "Will! Will?" You call out almost crying. "Y/N!" You hear. "Will?" It wasn't Will. "Y/N!" You find the hole and rush through yelling for them to grab your hand. "Grab it! Hurry it a right here!" Your sobbing from horror when something grabs your ankle. You look down to see if maybe, just maybe, it was Will. It wasn't. You scream and you can hear Lucas and Dustin freaking out on the other side. "Hurry dude! Pull her harder!" You hear Dustin say. "Hurry!" You scream and sob at the same time. They finally pull you through and you collapse on the ground. You lay there crying, no not crying sobbing, from what you just saw. Lucas and Dustin try to get you up but you just collapse back on the ground. "Come on Y/N, we have to go home." You process with your crying. "I, I can't. I'm t-t-too weak." You say sobbing softly. "Carry her Dustin." Lucas demands sounding afraid. "Why?" Dustin asks. "Just do it!" Lucas yells. "Fine!" Dustin picks you up and carry's you bridal style towards the road. "What about our bikes?" Dustin asks looking at them. "Well come back for them when we get her to a couch." Lucas says. You start to sob harder, not being able to control it."We're home!" Lucas yells relieved. Dustin carrots you inside and sets you on the couch downstairs. "Let's go get you and Y/N bikes." Lucas says to Dustin. "N-n-no. Pl-please don't l-leave me here a-a-a-alone." Lucas tells Dustin to stay. "Fine." He walks over and sits down next to you. "What did you see? You know, when you went in?" Your sobs have become more soft and quiet but you don't feel like replying. Dustin seems to understand. "So, can I ask you something, honestly?" You nod sitting up a little. "Do you like me?" You sit up a little more. "Why do y-you ask?" You ask making him smile a little.  "A little birdie told me." He responded. "Lucas told you didn't he?" He nods. "Yeah." You ask him when. "When you were inside the home in the tree, he just though, what if she never came back? What if she died in there? And he told me. But it's okay, really." You give a weak smile. "How? Are you gonna say you like me too?"  He looks down. "You like me too." He looks at you and knods. "Who would've thought? Huh."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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