"My dearest child, sweet and humbled with innocence. By the time you read this.....if it ever makes it to your possession I will finally be at peace from the world. I wanted to let you know that you are the forthcoming heir to an indescribable power; as the hour of darkness seems at its greatest climax, a new hero shall rise from the ashes. This hero who bears the greatest power will not be able to vanquish the evil alone. There are no words to describe how much you are loved and it pains me to know that I will not be around to see you grow up into such an amazing adult.
Your journey has already begun and in my absence, I leave you most cherish possession: my Phoenix-Manned Stallion R.J. may he guide you through many trials and tribulations. May you bear conquest on those who oppose you; may the maidens bless you in the greatest hour of turmoil and know that you are loved. I must part paths for now but know my dear child that you will change the world.May Odeon be on your side
Fair thee well....."
Precarious eyes scanned over the intricate penmanship as the words flowed together like a smooth river of dark ink over rich parchment. Words to describe the event of the writers fate was so well thought out it was almost devastating to fathom the kind of emotions this person had. The edges of the paper were tattered from the many times it had been handled. Still, the ink refused to fade as of some sort of spell was cast on it to keep the ink fresh from fading.
The light from the hearth flickered and crackled as Arjen sat at the edge of the bed, running a hand over the ink, he could hear the voice of the writer in his mind spoke in a soft and gentle tone. Arjen could sense the writers presence as he watched with vacant eyes as a memory before him unfolded just like a movie projection. Although Arjen coukd see the man writing he could not make out his structure. His face was covered by a dark hood that only revealed his pointed nose. Long frail fingers gripped the pen quill lightly as he dabbed the tip on his tongue. Writing in slow smooth motion the man spoke softly as he repeated the words on script.
Arjen got up to investigate the words he wrote but every time he got near the memory would fade from view.
Heavy footsteps pounded the gravel as the snorting of horses became clear. Arjen closed off his minds vision and stuffed the parchment into his pocket. He knew the Calvary was here for his arrest. Defying the kings orders was punishable by death, but he was not about to go without a fight.Heavy armored gauntlets pounded the door frame with such force that the whole place reverberated with an echo. A low, gruff voice soon followed behind the continuation pounding.
"Arjen Dexter, by the order of the king, we are here for your deployment. Resistance against the order is punishable by death, either you open the door or we will knock it down!" Arjen's heart leapt to his throat as he scavenged around the house, putting as much as he could into a burlap sack.
"Just a moment, my liege, I am getting dressed!" Arjen made a quick glance around the room and spotted a sword that hung above the fireplace. The blade shimmered with an iridescent hue--almost as if the sword encased an essence of a rainbow. Elegant script ran along the hilt of the sword, that roughly translated to: "Raise thee above thy brow and smite the unholy and may thee world reap the seeds of sorrow from this world."
Another thunderous pounding struck the door frame impatiently. He could faintly hear the chatter from beyond the frail walls as the Captain spoke to the other men that had come with.
"Surround the house, make sure he hasn't fled. If you find him bring him to me,"
"Yes, sir,"
"By the order of the king...." the Captain began
"I know!" Arjen called back as he frantically glanced around the room one last time before extinguishing the fire. He made his way to the window and slowly slipped out, jumping down and landing in a pile of soft, wet mud....at least that's what Arjen was hoping it was. The darkness surrounded Arjen as he ducked into a small lean-to where is Phoenix-Manned Stallion, R.J. stood sleeping. Arjen hoisted the bag of supplies on to R.J. who hardly stirred at all. In fact, it came rather routine for Arjen and R.J. to take off in the middle of the night.
R.J. let out a yawn as he propped his eyes open slightly, and looked behind him as Arjen was finishing up. He walked in front of R.J. and placed both hands on the horses soft velvet cheeks as he pressed his forehead into R.J.'s blaze.

Legend of Lacraan: Skylearth Rising
FantasíaA Kingdom in Peril... It has been declared that on the 18th year of birth every family must give up their son to be sworn into knighthood to defend a Kingdom that is a brink of destruction. However, a rebellious teen by the name of Arjen defie...