Chapter 6

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"That's wasn't exactly the warm reception I was hoping for" I said, heading for the table. "Don't worry about it" smackle said, laying the fabric swatches on the table beside me like she was putting a puzzle together. "It's not your fault the previous owner clearly didn't give anyone a heads up that she was going to sell this place" I nodded as I look at her.
"Maybe thats why I feel so unsettled everyone just looked at me shocked" she nodded as she bit her lip when she look down. "It'll take some time getting them warm to you, once we fix up the first room and they see that you've actually come to help as opposed to suck them dry-"  "suck who dry?"

I looked up toward the familiar voice, Riley was standing there with her arms crossed, isadora's smile failed to melt riley  icy expression. "I was just saying that once you all see the nice improvements, you'll realize that lucas means no harm" I walk closer to the girls. "Isadora this is Mrs. Matthews daughter, she the general manager" smackle nodded as she look at Riley. "Oh" she extended a hand to riley. "I'm isadora you can call me smackle for short, lucas brought me down here to help update the hotel's decor" riley took her hand reluctantly. "It Riley and always be riley or Matthews, I'm not sure what Lucas here told you but this is my hotel and I'm the one who needs to okay any changes you plan to make, not him" riley pull her hand aways her really quick, I hid a laughed under a cough, smackle raised her eyebrows at me and force a smile. "Of course Ms. Matthews" I nodded.

I look at Riley then back at smackle. "Riley right, she knows this place inside out and the customers better then anyone and some more other, it comes to arrangements consider her the boss" smackle nodded.
"I do alot more then anything around here, if you hadn't just barged in like you own the place." I raised my eyebrows. "Honey I do own this place" her eyes gotten darker, I saw her clenched her jaw, she was glaring at me. I saw smackle looking at both of us. "Well i let you too catch up, lucas I'll talk to farkle" she grab the stuff and was out the door just like that.

Riley and I were still making eye contact. "Who's farkle? Let me guess someone who doesn't know the place and want to stick his nose where it doesn't belong" I put my hand on the table as I lean closer. "Farkle is a friend of mine" she scoffed as she roll her eyes, she look behind her. I used the moment to scan her head to toe, letting myself wonder if her body was as sensitive aa it once was, as tight all over yet soft in all the right places, by the time I was done checking thr beautiful women in front of me, her eyes were back on me and the face she was making suggested I'd been caught in the act.

She raise a brow as she look at my face. "What are you doing here lucas?" She asked, resting her hand opposite of mine. "Have a seat" she nodded her head no. "I rather stand" I squinted at her, as I put my top teeth on my bottom lip. "You seem angrier then I remember you" her brows raised, I got her that time. "You remember me" I nodded, as I sat down. "Yeah, I remember everything" she press her glossy lips together, kill me now. "I remember how you smell," I lean back at I look at her more. "How you taste" her brown chocolate eyes grew wide. "I remember the sound of your laugh and the noise you used to make when I grab you in-" she put her hand up "that's enough!" I flinched alittle bit, I smile.

I cross my ankle over my knee as I look at her with a big smile. "Look, lucas I'm flattered that you remember me, all in the past and things are different now." I cocked my head. "Are they? Because I'm pretty sure I'm still the boss and you still want me to you what to do" she glare down at me, I still had a smile on my face. "That's not what I want lucas and if you think this.." She pointed back and forth between us. "Is going to happen then you're a bigger idiot then I thought" I gave her a flirty smile which she didn't notice. "What with the hostility riles" I saw her clenched her jaw even more, I love when she does that. "Don't call me that" I chuckle as I put my hands on my knee. "I thought we had something special?" She rolled her eyes as she shakes her head. "Yeah we did" she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, I roll my eyes up to the ceiling. "I see it more like I take what I want and I make it mine" I look back at her, she lean against the table. "Like my dad hotel" I lean closer to her, I wink. "Among with other things" she look down I could tell she was thinking after she was done she look back at me.

"Why are you doing this?" I smile, then she clenched her jaw again. "Your mom made me a offer I couldn't refuse" she clenched her jaw even more. "Plus I wanted to see you" her jaw kind of unclenched. "I'm fond of this place and I know it can be better you know it too Riley but you don't want to believe it, you're just to stubborn, I want to save your dad business not ruin it and I was to save other things to" she narrowed her eyes at me as I smile. "What other things?"she asked as she took a sit. "Turning it into a profitable investment for one" she raise her brows. "And?" I smile and she glare at me. "There's a women I'd like to impress, though it seems in going to have to do alot more then save her hotel from bankruptcy to make her believe it" she lean forward more. "You're full of shit" I shrug my shoulders. "Perhaps" I lean back folding my hands in my lap. "But maybe I'm fucking crazy about you and just nuts enough to do something" I wink at her, she lean back in her chair. "No one that stupid" I shrug as I smile. "Seems to me you wouldn't believe me even if I were telling the truth"she wipe her hands on her hip hugging skirt as she stands up, she started walking to the door. "Hey one last tip!" She look over her shoulder, I smile. "Do us both a favor and go easy on the frosty reception angle, it might undermine your professionalism if it's obvious to the staff how bad you want me back" I wink as I put my hands behind my head, she roll her eyes and groan as she left, I watch her as she walks down the hall. Damn she hot now!

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