Chapter Four: Turning Into Vampires

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Hey... We were so stupid.

  I could still feel the strangers from last night, following us. Dancing with us with bright lights at the party. Trying to drag us home.

  When I closed my eyes, I could still feel Silvia and I, with heels slapping along the pavement, panting loud like dogs as our footsteps pounded after us. I screamed but there were no bouncers. We bolted right into our cars, clicked the locks shut, and drove away.

  I was shaking all over. I couldn't breathe. My teeth were trembling together uncontrollably. I held my own shoulders. I could barely click the lock to the car. I was driving drunk, why did I drink? I was driving drunk.

  "Oh no!" I shrieked out.

  I fiddled my hands against the key holder. I could barely lift my hands up to put the key in. I was in no shape to drive. Speaking of shape... Black, cloudy shapes were covering my vision.

  "Come on, let's go," Silvia said.

  "I can't," I whispered meekly. "I can't drive drunk."

"Oh," laughed Silvia.

  "Why are you laughing?" I screamed.

  "This is the best night ever," Silvia said. "So much fun. And I think they're just playin' us."

  I put the key in and vroooomed the car's ignition. I wish we had a sober friend. Was this all a game, or was it all my imagination?

  So we pulled out of the lot. I screeched the turns and called 9-1-1 on my cell phone. But it said that there's no signal.

  I stared open-mouthed at my phone. "We're in the middle of San Francisco."

  "Isn't that them?" Silvia asked, pointing behind us.

  Lorenzo and Wilma's faces loomed behind the wheel of the red Jeep behind us. The bright color gleamed alongside the streetlights.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," I said.

They followed us all the way from the club? Are you fucking kidding me?

"Lorenzo!" Silvia shrieked, sticking her middle finger out of the car window, "Come and get us!"

"Silvia!" I shrieked, toppling to the side, dragging her back into my van.

The moment I did, I lost grip of the steering wheel. The car slammed to the side, nearly smacking into a streetlight.

"Fuck!" I yelled, yanking the wheel back.

But truth was, my driving was all wobbly and all-over-the-place. I veered from one side of the road to another. Another car honked and screeched away, just to avoid a head-on collision.

I couldn't do this. I had to find a police station, a public place, something... But there was nowhere to park and we were in a residential area. And c'mon, in my state, I just knew that I wouldn't be able to parallel park without hitting something.

"Silvia, can you please look up an address on your phone for the police station?" I whispered, voice slurring back and forth.

"What?" Silvia asked. Then she vomited. Meaty, beefy yellow goo, just spewing out of her mouth, making her outsides go in.

"Oh, crap, Silvia!" I yelled out. "Out the window! Not now!"

My phone rang. Without even thinking, I picked it up.

"Somebody helped me," I begged. "I don't even know what's going on. You won't believe me, but I'm in a lot of trouble and I'm really scared."

"You sound silly, sweetie," purred Wilma. "And you're driving drunk."

"Sorry for calling the police on you," said Lorenzo, "But we're just looking out for you."

"What?" I asked, voice growing high-pitched and screechy through the night air.

That's when I heard it. Whee-oo, whee-oo, whee-oo... Behind Lorenzo and Wilma's car, I saw the blink of red and blue lights flash. Like a snake, the police car crept up to us. Wilma and Lorenzo pulled to the side, and then the police car was right behind us.

"How could you do this?" Lorenzo asked into the phone. "Are you trying to kill your sister?"

I looked at Silvia. She giggled at me. "I told him you were my sister."

Normally I would preen and be pleased and give her a hug or something, but my heartbeat was going a mile a minute and my hands were shaking at the wheel and I was definitely, definitely about to crash.

"Wait," I said, just begging into the phone, "Please stop. Please stop. Please stop."

"If you don't behave, you'll get a DUI and not be allowed to drive for a year," said Wilma; and her voice was way too strong and calm.

I pulled onto the freeway. I pulled over with a screech. I went too far and smacked car into the wall. Silvia yelled out a wild banshee scream.

"Wait," I begged, opening the door, as the officer strode towards me. "Silvia isn't hurt, she's just mad, I probably dented my car but she's fine, I swear..."

The cop grinned at me to show a pair of twin fangs. "Bitch, do you really think I care?"

I opened my mouth and shut it again. That's when the cop moved forward, unlocking my seats for me. Wilma and Lorenzo moved into the back, moving like sharks, with frothing mouths and black, drooling tongues.

"Serves you right, you bad girl," purred Lorenzo. "Drunk whores always get what they deserve."

"No!" I shrieked. "No!"

That's when everything turned blue, then red, then black. Everything spun forward like the ocean.


  They said we couldn't fight it. They said that they chose us.

I'd never seen so much blood.

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