Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Leaving "Mom"

  Descending down, and down, and down the stairs. That's all I'm doing now. As I descend, I mull over what Toriel said. On one hand, she's right. My home on the surface is horrible. But on the other hand, do I really want to stay down here where a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters who all want me dead?

  Well, I feel as if Toriel doesn't really want to do this. She doesn't want to kill me, I just know that she's going to try to. My theory is that she..... snapped and thought that she has to kill them. She feels that if she doesn't, she'll never see anyone she knew ever again. This is only a theory though, I might be wrong. Anyways, I reach the end of the stairs and am greeted by a seemingly never-ending hallway. Hopefully I'll get a chance to take a breather soon. After some more walking, I reach the end.

  "Why did you have to follow me, my child? Why didn't you stay upstairs? If you did, I wouldn't have to do this" Toriel says as she clutches one of her infamous fireballs. "If you had, me and you could have been happy together, ignoring the rest of the Underground. I would even had let the flower stay with us. But, you decided against having a good life. I suppose you're just begging to die" her maddening laughter echoes around the walls of the room. "I..... I'm sorry my child. I'm sorry"

  I was hit. Her fireballs don't really miss their targets, do they? Flowey wants me to survive, and killing her seems like the only option. But, I don't want to do that to her. So I slam my fist down on the mercy button. Toriel looks confused, but has no hesitation when she throws an onslaught of fireballs at me. Somehow, I'm able to dodge them. We keep going back and forth for a while. Her throwing her fireballs, and me sparing her every chance I get. Suddenly, I get hit by multiple fireballs, and all at once. The pain is unbearable.

  "And now you're down to 1 HP. Such a shame you won't fight back. Wouldn't matter anyways though, you'll die no matter what!" An insane grin etched it's way across her face. This isn't the end though. Like Flowey said, I have multiple lives. Unlimited too, so I can do this as many times as I please. I open my arms wide, welcoming death with open arms. A fireball hits me square in the face, and everything is soon black. Two buttons are in front of me. Reset and Continue. I choose continue.

*No Yes
No *Yes

*Are you sure?
*No Yes
No *Yes

*Save file loaded

  I wake up in the bed from earlier. It's so hard to grasp, I died and then came back to life. Quickly, I take a glance over at Flowey only to find him gawking at me.

  "What? Is there something on my face" I question the small flower. His response is a nod.

  "I-....... it's a flower. A buttercup" he states,with a hint of worry in his voice.

  "Wh-what?! A f-flower?!" I exclaim. When he nods, I rush out into the hallway mirror. What I see in my reflection is scary. It looks as if a flower is just tucked behind my ear, but I know that I did no such thing. I try to pull on the flower, only to be greeted by a rush of pain. The flower is...... the flower is connected to me. Is this a consequence of continuing? Looks like I may actually have limited lives. This just means that I need to speed up my visit with Toriel, I need to leave.

  Walking back into the room, I feel Flowey's eyes watching my every move. I grab his pot, put on my backpack, and walk towards Toriel. We go through the same routine as last time. When I get down there, we go through the same routine as before. Everything's the same. Yet I keep dying. And dying. And dying. And dying. As if I'm stuck inside an endless loop of death. The flowers don't stop growing either. Every time I hit that continue button a new one grows on me. Now, making it look as if I'm wearing a flower crown.

  This time will be the last one I think to myself, yet again. We go through the same exact fight once again. But, somehow my kindness gets through to her this time.

  "I can't do this to you my child. I just can't.....  you must go. Leave me, leave before I kill you" too late for that. Toriel gets up and walks towards me. She gets on her knees and hugs me, and I can feel her tears running down her face and onto me. I knew it, she's just a big softie on the inside. And I dug out that softness, that kindness. After a while, she lets go and starts walking away from me. Before disappearing into the endless hallway, she turns around to face me again. She looks hesitant, but turns right back around and back upstairs to her home.

  "Well Flowey, I was right. She has a good side to her" I say to a gawking Flowey as I throw my backpack back on and pick up Flowey's pot again. "You ready to go, flower?"

  "Y-yeah, let's go" he finally speaks, well more like stutters. We exit the ruins and are greeted into the bitter cold. Flowey luckily is a flower and doesn't really feel the cold, but it's horrible for me. The unforgiving winds whip at my hair and face. Everything body part has gone numb from the cold.

  "Why hello hypothermia, nice to meet you" I whisper under my breath. I keep trudging through the cold and snow, but hear a twig from behind me snap. This causes me to jump at the sudden sound, and let out a small terrified squeak. The response I hear is a  small chuckle is heard echoing through this forest, and it's not Flowey's.

  I'm absolutely terrified, but I keep going ahead. Whatever it was back there, I have a feeling that I don't want to face it. Up ahead, I see a gate of some sort. The bars look to be too far apart for it to keep me back so I will be able to get through it. The gate keeps getting closer and closer, and as it does my hopes keep getting raised higher and higher. This is it I think to myself I can stop for a few and catch my breath there. But sadly, I'm stopped right when I reach the gate. It's as if I've been frozen, I can't move but I can think and speak still.

  "H U M A N, turn around and shake my hand. Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" A deep voice says from behind me. The voice sounds very frightening, as if I should be scared of this monster. But something about it doesn't put me off, it does the opposite actually. The voice feels comforting to hear. But, I still don't want to face this monster. My body mechanically moves to face him, I can't even control my own body even more! Why does this have to happen to me? As I'm forced to shake their hand, an electric shock goes through me and I hear the voice laughing as it steps out of the shadows.

  "Ah, the old buzzer trick! Gets them every time!" He says as he wipes away a few glowing red tears from his eyesockets. He really finds other people's pain hilarious it appears. Can't blame him though, he lives down here. "Anyways, I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton"

  "I..." I hesitate before deciding to tell him my name "I'm Y/n"

  "Well Y/n, you fell right into a pile of shit coming down into the Underground, didn't you?"

  "Yep. I'm screwed. You gonna kill me or what?" My remark causes Sans to let out a hearty chuckle.

  "Nah, I won't. Not yet that is" he smirks "So, are you gonna continue forward or what? My boss will know a human when he sees one. Trust me on this, you don't want him to find you. You're as good as dead if Papyrus does"

  "Oh trust me, I'm already as good as dead"

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