Me too.

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Thursday, 27th of October 2011...

It's been such a tough week with my exams happening but I'm so glad everything is finally over. These exams took a toll on me, I was nauseous, scared, anxious and whatever. I couldn't sleep at night and I would have occasional mind blanks. Luckily, all of that is over. High school is over, drama is over. I must admit, I could have done better on my final exam but I just simply hated the subject, half the time during classes I would either be on Facebook or drawing stupid pictures with my best friend; Michelle. She and I would make characters and draw speech bubbles, our memories throughout our friendship. Or even make origami. Anything to distract us from listening to the blabbering of our senseless teacher. Anyway, I totally got off topic. After our final exam, Michelle and I went off to go shopping. One thing you should know about me and Mish, we always bring a change of clothes if we intend to go around after school.

Anyways, to celebrate our freedom, we ate at our favourite café, The Loft. I had my usual beef bacon wrap while she had her chicken and avocado bagel. After lunch, we were looking around some stores when we decided to go into General Pants Co. well I call it "GP". It's pretty much an urban store where they sell really cool outfits that you won't normally see at retail stores. Okay, so moving on, Mish and I were looking at the back section where there were all these dresses and shirts were. This guy came up to us. Biggest smile I've ever seen. One thing I should tell about GP staff is that they are VERY friendly. Well most of the time anyway. They would start off a conversation and try and help you out. That's pretty much it. So this guy, nameless. Just a smile and can I just admire how well he can dress? Cute. That would be a good word. Anyway, he came up to me and asked how I was blah blah blah... I didn't pay much attention to him, I mean, I seriously hate getting bothered while I'm trying to pick out clothes. I'm in my own little world and he completely disturbed my place of solace. Whatever.

"So how was your exam?"

I'm like, what? How on earth? Oh of course, stop thinking too deep into it. Maybe it was just a fluke.

"Ah, yeah it was alright." I think I said that nonchalantly?

"How many more do you have left?" ...

Here I am thinking, 'Who are you?' but then,

"Oh that was my last one. I'm free" Okay maybe I should just walked away...

I don't even know why I just stood there. Answering each and everyone of his questions. Silly me. I mean, I wasn't the only one that he talked to. He would occasionally ask Mish what he had just asked me. Then being the super nice person that she was, she politely stood there. Well I think I've had enough of this small talk so I stealthily walked away. Thank goodness Mish followed on and we just look at the back section for bags.

"Mish, what the heck was up with him? Like hello stalkerazzi much." Meanwhile, I'm trying on a hat.

"Yeah well what did you expect me to do? Walk away?"

"Yes. I did, didn't I?" I replied with a smirk.

I didn't really find anything so I was just about to go when...

"Oh hey, so did you find anything?"

"Oh no, I don't think so. Just looking around" Why did I just reply. Ugh

"Yeah, just trying to chill" Mish adds on. How lovely.

"So are you planning on going anywhere after these exams? What about Schoolies*?"

I soo wanted to say, 'Is it any of your business, mate?!'

But, "Ah, nah, I'm going to America." My mouth. I swear I need a zip!

"Oh that sounds nice. How about you?"

Mish... oh Mish.

"Yeah, just going on a cruise with the family."


"Ahhh. When?"

Okay, seriously?

"Um, at the end of November."


"Ohh, I was gonna say. Because I'm going on a cruise too!"


"Oh are you...?" I'm going to strangle him soon. I promise you.


"Where?" Now I'm staring at him.

"I don't know.."


"You. Don't. Know." I replied.

Woah. The nerve of that guy! Seriously, why are we wasting our time on this faggot. I wonder how many coincidental stories he's told his customers. I'm telling you, this guy is good.

"Yeah, I pretty much gave my friend the money and he booked it and yeah, somewhere in the Pacific I think?"

Oh nah, in Egypt. Stupid.

"What about you? America in December... wouldn't it be cold?"


"Oh well, it's a good thing right? I mean, everyone in Australia suffers from a 40 degree heat while I relax with cool weather."

"But than means you don't get to go to the beach, get a tan..."

Pathetic ass.

"I'd really would like a CHANGE. Plus, it's a holiday. Not like I'm staying there forever. Right?"

"Yeah still... You know it's so good that you finished your exams really early. You get to relax and everyone can be so jealous of you. That was like me, I finished on the 27th of October... Oh hey! Like you!"

Asshole. Liar. Douche bag. ARGHHH

"Oh really now?" I turned around and rolled my eyes. I can't take anymore of this bullshit so I walked away. Whatever. Continue being the rat that you are...

Look I swear to you, that Guy is OBNOXIOUS. There's like this bad vibe I get when he's near me. I just want to argh, strangle him. Why of all stores does he work in the one I go to the most. Goodness gracious. That's okay, maybe he's just a fill in, in that way, I won't EVER have to see his face again. Sigh.


*'Scoolies' a celebration that Australians (students) have when they graduate from high school. Parties, drinking etc.

Okay! So that is how it all started. Who is this mysterious guy? This story is inspired by something very personal to me. I hope you like it. I haven't written in a while so I hope whatever it is, I will improve along the way. Please don't hesitate to let me know what you think. It's important to me to know what your opinions are. It would be greatly appreciated if you could leave a comment or something. Constructive criticism :D

Until next time!

Cheerios xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2012 ⏰

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